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Chatback #16


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  • Evening all, have been MIA lately. My mum was in hospital for 9 days as she couldn’t walk at all...discovered it was gout!!! She’s embarrassed, she doesn’t drink a drop of alcohol and thinks that’s what causes gout...managed to assure her other things cause it. She’s home now and able to get around again. We also managed a few days in York and Cheltenham so that was nice. I said last year we felt there was a downturn in York but this year it looks to be back to its usual self! You guys who live there are so lucky!! Weather is cooler here today with some rain after weeks of sunshine. I believe Storm Hector hits us tonight/tomorrow...oh great!
    Anyhoo, hope you are all well, too much to catch up on but will have a quick look around. Enjoy the rest of your evening


    • Evening!

      Somwhere the heck did that golden globe suddenly appear from?????
      Turned out nice enough to eat outside this evening!

      No 2 lawn mower now fixed , so I can imagine what tomorrow will bring me!
      Promised myself a swim though at some stage as I've bought a pass valid for 3 months. Need to go twice a week just to get my money back. Good excuse eh???

      No gardening whatsoever achieved today...tomorrow,,,,yup, ....tomorrow ( it's not going anywhere)
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Evening,enjoy the swims Nicos,your poor Mom Jay,pleased she is out off hospital,
        saw the physio,all he done was take a history,and probed down the spine to see where it was painfull,he hit the spots,have to go back in 2 weeks and the week after,i presume to start some help,in the meantime,it's carry on squeeking,no advice whatsoever,have a good evening whats left of it.
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • good evening, raining and a lot cooler tonight, was in the greenhouse and put the fire on as it felt cold, and while out I sowed pak choi lettuce, mustard, mizuna and col rabbie which I have never tasted nor tried growing before so hopefully I will get a crop, I also sowed some calendula as I am looking for a number of plants in flower for mid September, so will need to find out how long it takes to flower after stopping, I would be thankful if anyone could tell me, right now off to read a book or magazine or something anything will be better than watching telly. Goodnight
          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


          • Good Morning All Getting windy. Have a good day
            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


            • Morning its windy here as well Flo I've been out to tying my tall peas back to their net frame, courgettes are also getting a bashing. Hope those further north of me are doing OK.
              Location....East Midlands.


              • Morning All

                Grey and overcast and at best breezy. Looking at the sky it might rain but would be happy for that.

                Have a super Thursday


                • Another day... Where do they all go? I have no idea.

                  Sun trying to break through cloud here. I've just been looking at my Facebook home feed. There's a post about how this day last year we were about to hit a record temperature of 45 �C in the capital of our region. Today, the forecast high is 25 �C.

                  So, more work today but things are starting to get back to normal.

                  Have a great day, everyone.


                  • Mornin n'alln'all

                    Domestics today...s'pose ya gotta do them at some point

                    See ya later peeps...enjoy your day!
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • Morning all. Waiting to see if the plumber turns up this morning. If he doesn't I wont be happy as that will be more allotment time lost. Already done a load of washing and washed up so on line for a bit until I go to work.
                      Have a good morning everyone


                      • Morning, Hector is making his presence felt!! The garden looks as though a tornado has passed through it! Trains are off, ferries not running...and I believe Northern Ireland are having it worse than us. Stay safe out there.
                        Domestics today and some shopping (supermarket unfortunately). Have a great day all, hope the weather is not too bad where you are!


                        • Managed to venture out in the car to the chemist to pick up some tablets, first time out for a week since I busted my Hamstring, I am now some most amazing shades of purple from my bum to half way down my calf on one leg and it still hurts to sit down(this just might put me off mountain climbing for a bit lol).


                          • Morning all,a drop in tempreture and windy here,sun is trying,stay safe those up north caught in the gales,i suppose i had better try something called tidy up in my den/dump it till another day zone,look after yrselves,Burni thats awfull,
                            Last edited by lottie dolly; 14-06-2018, 11:19 AM.
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • Good evening, a big change in weather, fortunately not a lot of damage in the garden, though some plants in my baskets were damaged, and sadly the forecast isn't much better. Went over to the coast to collect some seaweed, parked at the usual place thinking there would be lots to collect after the high winds, nothing, the beach was empty, but fortunately just 75 yards away there was loads, just ment I had to carry it further, tomorrow I will shred it up and use it ad a mulch, right going to watch a recording of young Sheldon then bed. Goodnight
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Feels a bit cooler. Have a good day
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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