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  • Pre op checks today, could be 4 or 5 weeks before I get the operation done, waiting times and all that, could be done in the morning and thrown out the same day if all goes well keyhole style hopefully.


    • Morning all, glorious start to the day
      Spuds are getting bigger and trying to escape from their buckets.
      Will keep covering them over until we get back from Bournemouth
      Plenty flowers on the runners and the bees know all about them too
      Life is good
      Have a great day
      Nannys make memories


      • Originally posted by lottie dolly View Post
        Good morning all,hot again here,not seen anything of of our Lumpy,just hope things are alright for her,were here for you lass,right i got a shed that needs a long awaited chuck out,not just a tidy up this time,and this weather is ideal,have a good day everyone.
        Lottie, just had a quick look and Lumpy has removed herself from a Facebook, so no contact there.
        Try sending a PM to her
        Nannys make memories


        • Morning all,hot here,watering done,look on here and food,then it's out to do more shed work before the heat turns up.
          ALL the best Burnie,Nicos you did your best and that is all could be done,Cad that makes life so much easier,nice to hear your little triffid is blooming,have a good day all and look afteryrselves
          sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


          • Morning another sunny day here
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Morning all hope you are all well. Lottie/NS, Lumpy was on yesterday, posted in the rant thread and also the new doggie thread.
              Well it looks like another lovely day out there, although there is a slight breeze. Not sure what’s on the cards other than a trip out for something for dinner...must look at the cooking tonight thread for inspiration. Sorry about the little starling Nicos, nature can be brutal sometimes.
              Anyhoo enjoy the weather everyone, see you later!


              • Happy Sunny Monday
                Nicos, could it have been a baby robin? There are few speckledy ones around here at the mo - in fact there's one outside the window now - and a constant stream of baby Blue & Great tits. If they're not on the feeder, they're in the GH - dopey things.
                Can't hang around here - must water the GHs before its too hot, pick strawberries and raspberries, hunt for courgettes, make strawberry jam.................its all go when you're a domestic goddess.

                Enjoy your day, whatever you're up to .................especially Burnie.


                • Afternoon! No garden birds around here anymore - magpies in the big tree again Grrr! The all-knowing 'they' say they don't predate small birds, if that's true why do I have no birds when they are around, but lots in the years when they aren't? Neighbours cats are here all the time, so I don't believe it is all the cats' fault...
                  Any way I've been tidying and watering the garden this morning, but it's a bit hot now, more of the same later as it cools, I think.
                  Have a nice afternoon


                  • I thought magpies were known for robbing nests. Have them here too and crows and jays. Actually, I think I have your birds, Thelma, as there seem to be more here than usual.

                    Its so hot outside I'm ducking into the shade every 5 minutes. Not complaining but rain would be nice.


                    • Originally posted by rary View Post
                      Jay-ell they are cheating as its not fermented grape juice they are using
                      Changing the goal posts now.

                      New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

                      �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
                      ― Thomas A. Edison

                      �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
                      ― Thomas A. Edison

                      - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


                      • Passed my MOT, so now just waiting for the operation.
                        (just need to grow a bit to correct my height/weight position on their chart lol)
                        Last edited by burnie; 25-06-2018, 01:50 PM.


                        • ^LOL. Hope the operation goes well.

                          Too hot, hot, hot here today. The only thing thriving is Trombo Sid. Everything else is wilting.

                          A nice overnight downpour just to cool everything down would be very welcome. But not on the cards.

                          Hope you're all having fun.


                          • Hot, hot, hot. Was woken up about 5.30 this morning by a neighbour doing some loud diy. I don’t blame them as it’s better to do at that time rather than when it’s hot. I’m usually up around that time anyway but i’m still recovering from our new (very young, house bought by Daddy) neighbours house warming party on Saturday night. It went very quiet, very suddenly at about 3am Sunday morning, so I wondered if someone had called the police.

                            Wasn’t me. I know the family and said parents live next door to them. I think they’d have something to say if it was a regular event.

                            Daughter is back from her holiday and rang me. I hadn’t seen her for about a month so we decided to go to a garden centre in her lunch break. Wyevale unfortunately. I needed a new nozzle for my hose as the old one was broken, and some large pots for trees that aren’t hardy enough for our winters so need to go indoors. She needed to replace some plants that had died and some for her planters.

                            So, off we went. I actually needed 5 large pots but can only get 3 in my mini so I picked 2 on a bogof offer and 1 end of line at third of original price. Daughter paid and I will reimburse her. She had discount vouchers. We checked the invoice when we got to the car as it seemed a bit steep. The checkout chap had scanned 1 label on the pots and x 3, �80 overcharge. So back we go. It took him over 30 mins to sort it out. Also, Wyevale nozzle �27, same nozzle Screwfix �7.99.

                            My feet and ankles are now very swollen so i’m on the sofa, feet up with a large g&t. I’ll get back out when it’s cooler.

                            I don’t like sport on TV either, or reality shows. I’m so glad your triffid is so much better Cad. Good luck Burnie, I remember the difference it made to my Mum.
                            Last edited by JanieB; 25-06-2018, 04:31 PM. Reason: To correct autocorrect
                            "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                            "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                            • Good afternoon, a lovely day here as well, a bit cool overnight, but fine now, and my paint job from last night is fine as now cleared of any red wine haze I see I have missed a couple of small bits on the large pot so not too bothered with that need to set up a couple of brackets for baskets of peas and beans after reading burnies post the other day I thought I would give it a try, so hope it works ok, and while on about baskets I keep getting onto my daughter about a couple of pots I planted up for her as she need to water them a bit more often, I had also planted up a basket of geraniums for her, trailing and zonal, and had told her if she didn't water them she wouldn't be getting any more, checked it today and it was flooded, I had used an old compost bag to line basket and forgot to punch some drain holes in it, though neither her nor her mum will ever know about that Enjoy your garden this evening and find time to relax
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • Ridiculously hot here too, though Alexa claims it is only 24 degrees C. I've just been out to do my good deed for the day, which involved walking uphill on pavement in the blazing sun. I'm now back and feeling very warm indeed. My living room gets the full sun at this time of day, so there's no hiding from it unless I shut the curtains.

                                I've got quite a lot to get done this evening, but with this heat, all I want to do is curl up and watch telly (or doze off). At least my watering is done. I'm going to go and spin my salad leaves (all from my garden) and then eat those with feta, olives, tomatoes, cucumber and beetroot, dressed in good olive oil and balsamic vinegar I'll see if that makes me feel any more motivated, but it probably won't!


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