Confused again, rary. 
Apparently the older you get, the worse it becomes - I wouldn't know being just a young Lass.
It so hot in the garden that I'm staying in the shade - idly snipping the seedheads off weeds and plant spotting - that's looking for the alphabetical seeds I've sown.
I've found carrots and cosmos in the C bed; Escholtzia in E and Flax in F.
Next "job" is to play "Hunt the Courgette". Seem to be averaging 4 a day which is just right for my evening meal. Not bored with them yet.
Stay cool everyone.

Apparently the older you get, the worse it becomes - I wouldn't know being just a young Lass.

It so hot in the garden that I'm staying in the shade - idly snipping the seedheads off weeds and plant spotting - that's looking for the alphabetical seeds I've sown.
I've found carrots and cosmos in the C bed; Escholtzia in E and Flax in F.
Next "job" is to play "Hunt the Courgette". Seem to be averaging 4 a day which is just right for my evening meal. Not bored with them yet.

Stay cool everyone.
