Good evening, a lovely day here again, and though quite warm still enjoying it, Cad if you meet you "friend" just give a smile and wish him a good day, if it annoys him that's too bad but it should let him know that you are not bothered about him and it is always better to turn the other cheek, unless you have no option.
Not doing much with the boy's ad its too warm for them though did have a wee game of football with the youngest, and that lasted till he broke his third plant with the ball, I know its my pride and joy just know, but he ranks higher
this evening I was out in the field behind my garden cutting down reeds and dockens and grass about two feet high, I will try and make a door ball pitch out there though it might take me a bit of time as all I have is grass shears, and it could really do with a tractor and cutter, no matter I will see what I can do. Well enjoy the good weather and try to relax a bit,and remember its easy to say something nasty, not so easy to take it back. Goodnight
Not doing much with the boy's ad its too warm for them though did have a wee game of football with the youngest, and that lasted till he broke his third plant with the ball, I know its my pride and joy just know, but he ranks higher
