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  • Morning all. A bit of cloud cover but looks like another warm one on the books. Seven weeks today since it rained enough to get wet, some places on the plot are too hard to get a fork into now.

    Enjoy the day
    Location ... Nottingham


    • Bones...... we were over in Cheshire earlier in the week and the veg plot in MIL's garden looks like something from a cracked dried up river bed.
      Absolutely rock solid...glad it's not my potager!

      Having said that, I've not seen any worms for a while...think they must have buried deeper to keep moist?
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • Good Morning All Feels cooler for the first time in 3 weeks. No barbie today but there's a full English in about an hour if you're interested. Have a good day
        Granny on the Game in Sheffield


        • Morning All

          Bacon sarnies on the patio...currently reading 22� in the garden. Looks like more watering today but the butts are getting low....

          Picked nearly 3kgs of French beans yesterday but all vaccum packed and in the freezer minus today's helping.

          Have a super sunny Sunday
          Last edited by Greenleaves; 22-07-2018, 08:29 AM.


          • Morning, not a full English instead we're having mushrooms, bacon, eggs with a sourdough oatcake.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Morning all,the only damp we got is,barely damp,still to warm and very muggy,things at the plot seem mostly a waste of time,outdoor toms have all got blossom end rot,before they grown,and they have been watered,needs to be pulled out,it remains to be seen if we get rain,what will recover and what not,at home things are easier to deal with,so far we been lucky on the domestic front,have a good day all.
              sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


              • Alexa tells me it's 19 degrees here, but it certainly felt warmer than that as I lugged my grocery shopping home on my back. It's only a 15 minute walk (plus time carrying shopping baskets around two shops that don't have their air conditioning working very well) but I arrived home sticky and ready to collapse. I've loads to do in the garden, and even more to do in the house but the heat makes me feel very apathetic and I've already had to stop for a lolly break!

                Bren, do you make your own oatcakes? I'd love a reliable recipe. I've lived in Derbyshire for three years now and the only oatcakes I've seen have been Staffordshire ones in Tesco! (Admittedly, I don't get out much...) I've made sourdough bread (although my starter has turned up its toes recently - should have kept it in the fridge in this heat) and presumed that the earliest oatcakes would have been made with wild yeast (much like Indian dosas), but I haven't been able to find a good recipe online that doesn't use commercial yeast.
                Last edited by self-contained; 22-07-2018, 11:26 AM.


                • ^Lolly breaks are essential.

                  Thunder overhead at the moment. Looks like we could get another decent downpour. Mr Snoop being blas� about his car and assuming that because it's relatively cool, we won't get hail... Hope he's right.

                  Meanwhile, I'm up for more work today. No surprises there!

                  Have a lovely day, everyone. To keep up the breakfast theme, I've had half a packet of crisps. Disgraceful!


                  • S'pose it's good afternoon now

                    Been to the plot and watered a bit, mostly chatted with all the 'Sunday' gardeners, make sure there're no probs. Everyone moaning about weedy unlet plots - but no one wants to help with strimming them. What a surprise!

                    I harvested the drying blue pea pods for seed saving.

                    Home for something to eat now and a drink, I'm parched after a couple of hours in the sun

                    Enjoy the rest of your day


                    • Afternoon all, just got back from shopping and I have just had a lolly break
                      Absolutely essential
                      Nannys make memories


                      • Originally posted by self-contained View Post
                        Bren, do you make your own oatcakes? I'd love a reliable recipe. I've lived in Derbyshire for three years now and the only oatcakes I've seen have been Staffordshire ones in Tesco! (Admittedly, I don't get out much...) I've made sourdough bread (although my starter has turned up its toes recently - should have kept it in the fridge in this heat) and presumed that the earliest oatcakes would have been made with wild yeast (much like Indian dosas), but I haven't been able to find a good recipe online that doesn't use commercial yeast.
                        SC here's the recipe I use .

                        sourdough starter, oats, flour and water 1/2, cup of each.
                        next morning add a pinch of salt, a couple tablespoons of oil and enough water/milk to make it resemble pancake batter.
                        I make 6 inch oatcakes so I use 1/3rd of a cup.

                        hope this helps I do add sourdough to most things I bake just to use up any spare starter.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Good Morning All Dull and hot again. Have a good day
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning, FF. Looking very nice in that there frock.

                            Bright but very cool after a chilly night here. Still got the doors open, but closing time soon as the sun is over the horizon.

                            Two jobs to hand in this morning and then it's plain sailing all the way.

                            Have a jolly day, everyone.


                            • Morning all. Dry and warm again.
                              Plot probably could do with watering today, was going to get up early but we had a mozzie visit the bedroom in the night and had to get it before we could relax
                              Amazing how one tiny critter playing hide and seek can give hours of entertainment

                              Have a good day
                              Location ... Nottingham


                              • Morning all,
                                The sun is back and everything in the garden looks lovely - if you are looking to the back.
                                The front is dry and parched
                                Had a nice weekend, and as if by magic, it’s back to work
                                Just off to pick a few tomatoes, I love them straight off the plant
                                Have a great day
                                Nannys make memories


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