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Chatback #16


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  • Mornin n'alln'all
    Late start for me too!
    Stayed up til sillyo' watching the heck they are soooo beautiful.
    We waved to the space station as it passed by (VC will be proud of me)
    Off swimming in a sec then I need to label up all the jams and preserves and get them stored in the cellar.

    See ya all later peeps...
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Hotter today than yesterday. And the forecast rain is dwindling. But, there is some good news on the horizon: a couple of chilly nights on Thursday and Friday (15 and 14 �C supposedly). I'll believe it when I feel it.

      Cadalot, I'm intrigued by the beetroot technique. It's perhaps something I'd expect to see in the tromba competition thread but not here...

      Have a jolly day, everyone.


      • Morning all. Bags I the polka dot mankini, looks like it's set to be another scorcher today. Popped over to the coast yesterday where it was a tad cooler and more comfortable.

        Enjoy your day
        Location ... Nottingham


        • Morning everyone, up at silly ,o’clock today. Just couldn’t sleep properly
          Mr Bones, that mankini really suits you
          Lazy morning, work this afternoon
          Nicks, hows the ‘new’ diet going?
          I have less than 4 weeks to lose 4lb.
          Never gonna happen
          Have a great day everyone
          Nannys make memories


          • Morning everyone. Well I spent my birthday gift vouchers on two raspberry bushes and would you believe it some reduced seeds . The seeds were a bargain and I just could not resist, kids helped me pick and that's why I bought so many. Well that's my excuse.
            Going to new plot today. I need to cut back a tree a bit as we cant get to the back of the shed to clear the rubbish out from behind it. Then it depends on how hot it gets to what we do next.
            Have a good day everyone


            • Mornin n'alln'all
              Think I may have been first up this morning
              Already done nearly 5hrs of ironing

              Nice to be able to do it all whilst it's still cool.

     not doing too well, but I have cut back considerably and also missing out the booze and sweet drinks.
              I have held my weight since May which I'm chuffed about...still...I need to focus!
              Is your target date for a special occasion?
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Well, I'm going to stop looking at the weather forecasts. None of them agree and the rain is now down from 20-however-many-litres per square metre to two. Pah! Plus, Thursday night is supposedly not going to be cool now. And there was me getting all optimistic.

                So, guess what guys? I have no work. Not one single word of it. At the moment anyway. Time to do some billing methinks. And a decent afternoon nap.

                Oh, and commiserate with Mr Snoop. My car has its six-monthly MOT this morning. Checked all the lights on Friday in case we needed to get bulbs and the like over the weekend. All working. Today, one of the indicators has decided to fail and it isn't the bulb, fuse, earth or seemingly the immediate wiring. Frustrating. If he can't fix it in the next hour, it'll fail.

                Have a great day.


                • 6monthly MOT?
                  It's 2yearly here

                  Hope you can get it fixed Snoop.

                  We tried to book OH's car in for repair...replacing a shredding available appointment is 29th August All the mechanics are on the same time!

                  Not drivable it's a good job we have 2 other cars!
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Morning dull and damp this morning but not cold. Didn’t sleep much again last night as my shoulder was so painful! Physio told me it’s the worst shoulder impingement she has seen for a long time...don’t do things by half me!! Anyhoo hope you all have a lovely day.


                    • Good morning all.
                      Cooler this morning with a temp of 16deg,
                      Not a lot on today..
                      Out for my walk in the park.
                      Some domestics and who know what else before the day is over.

                      Jay, sorry to hear your not feeling well
                      Hope you get some relief soon.
                      Pain can really wear you down,

                      And when your back stops aching,
                      And your hands begin to harden.
                      You will find yourself a partner,
                      In the glory of the garden.

                      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                      • Nicos, the four pound is what I have put on since May.
                        Off to Vegas again just over 3 weeks now, need to try really hard for 3 weeks
                        Nannys make memories


                        • I'm late but it is still morning

                          Last day of animal feeding/watering duties, will be glad to get back to my normal schedule, but I must admit to feeling better for the daily walks involved, hot weather didn't help me there, though.

                          Plot visit now before it gets too hot, although it does feel a bit cooler today

                          Have a good'un!


                          • Afternoon all,5 hours of ironing you need a medal lass,NS all the best for the weight loss,Snoop same here want more rain,as for MR bones whoooohooooo,thatle be nice and cool,Jay i sympathise with the shoulder,my supraspinatus snaped a few years ago,bear with it and do your exercises,it really does help,along with an injection,until you fall and upset the wretched thing ,have a good day and Bgood2yrselves,oh plus its hot here again,second thought,when was it last cold.
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • Good evening, it s been a cool day here today but had stayed dry had the dog out for a walk and decided to take her over the fields, and while doing some hat noted a good number if ripe brambles, finally I decided to pick some while doing that the dog kept comeing in close so gave her a bramble,bit finished up one for me two for her, so will need to leave her in the house if I ever go bramble picking, Jay try putting your purse into a pocket on the other side
                              Hope you get better soon, and Nicos I am down an other three pounds, and I don't do ironing, so makes you wonder could that be the cause of additional weight
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • Evening all. Been a lovely day up here and still having to slather water on to everything in the greenhouse. Our resident blackbirds seem to have deserted us. We thought they had raised a couple of broods and they maybe thought that was enough given it was so dry. we had been feeding them with suet pellets with meal worms and had grow almost tame. They'll be feasting on hoverflies now no doubt

                                p.s. It was the birds which had become almost tame, not us


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