Been a Dreich old day today, did a bit of tidying in the greenhouse now the smells gone from the J*yes fluid wash, dug up the last of the tatties(Roosters, nice spuds) and threw out the Honeyberry bush.
Rary if you need hill walking boots, don't the old fashioned leather ones, the new breathable/waterproof man mades are so much lighter and waaaaaay more comfortable(though they may not last as long), I had a pair of Brashers and they were purgatory to wear compared to the synthetic ones.
Rary if you need hill walking boots, don't the old fashioned leather ones, the new breathable/waterproof man mades are so much lighter and waaaaaay more comfortable(though they may not last as long), I had a pair of Brashers and they were purgatory to wear compared to the synthetic ones.