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Nosey Neighbours...


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  • Nosey Neighbours...


    We went camping this bank holiday weekend (4 nights) and my mum came over to house-sit and look after the chickies and rabbit.

    She was doing some weeding for me (what a gem she is!!) and got talking to the old guy who lives next door who said to her:

    "They shouldn't be going on holiday - they've got too much to do at home. Look at the state of their lawn and veg beds!"

    3 of our 4 beds are covered over with plastic to smother the weeds, the other one needs a damn good weed, but for our first season growing, we've done OK!

    Yes, our lawn is messy, but we've got 2 dogs running all over it!

    Needless to say, next door's lawn is like a bowling green - he mows it twice a week and they don't actually walk on it/use it; and his veg bed is immaculate.

    Mind you, since he's retired, he's got nothing else to do! Nosey old f@rt!!

  • #2
    Each to his own, OWG, I guess - but your neighbour he can't eat his lawn can he!

    Bet you have more fun AND get your own eggs!


    • #3
      Could be worse, you could have party animals next door throwing empties bottles etc over! (been there!!)

      It is a pity he moans though, with all that spare time he could be helping you to weed



      • #4
        How brave are you feeling? You could go round and very sweetly say that you are aware of a (unspecified) conversation that took place while you were away and as he is soooo knowlegable....... would he come and show you how it should be done?

        He then gets to show off about how to spoil a lawn for dogs and will like you because to accept his 'superior' position and you get your ear bent and some help getting the garden in order.

        Pricy I agree - but better than fighting!
        The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


        • #5
          Go round, say what a lovely garden he has, he must have loads of expertise. would he teach you , starting on your garden!:_)


          • #6
            Or just make sure you grow better veg than he does and give him occasional presents of your superior produce.
            You are a child of the universe,
            no less than the trees and the stars;
            you have a right to be here.

            Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

            blog: and my (basic!) page:


            • #7
              Our next door neighbour has a manicured lawn, weedless veg beds AND 2 immaculate allotments! He is retired, his wife does all the laudry and cooking and he has no other hobbies. However, he isn't a bit picky or finnicky about anyone else's garden. Mine is very productive but messy (bit like my life really!) I still managed to give him a few bags of toms seeing as his greenhouse got flooded out and he lost all his and he's been asking me what the little orange one is (sungold) as it's gorgeous and he's going to grow it next year.

              Your neighbour should remember that you never know everything and he might need your help one year.
              Last edited by Flummery; 29-08-2007, 03:31 PM.
              Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

     Updated March 9th - Spring


              • #8
                Plant some Crocus into your lawn in the shape of a rude word, or two. In the Spring he will get the message.
                Blogging at.....


                • #9
                  I think it's a sad fact of life that some people have nothing better to do than b*tch about other folk. If you're feeling charitable, I would just smile and wave and otherwsie ignore your neighbour. You can bet your garden gives you more pleasure than his does.

                  I was feeling part of the scenery
                  I walked right out of the machinery
                  My heart going boom boom boom
                  "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                  I've come to take you home."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Seahorse View Post
                    I think it's a sad fact of life that some people have nothing better to do than b*tch about other folk. If you're feeling charitable, I would just smile and wave and otherwsie ignore your neighbour. You can bet your garden gives you more pleasure than his does.

                    I left some plum jam and a couple of cucumbers on their doorstep last night ...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Seahorse View Post
                      I think it's a sad fact of life that some people have nothing better to do than b*tch about other folk. If you're feeling charitable, I would just smile and wave and otherwsie ignore your neighbour. You can bet your garden gives you more pleasure than his does.


                      Hi Seahorse,

                      I am 1000 % with you, my back neighbour ( specially the female one ) as what you have categorized, a very nosey creature, will b***ch around everything we grow or do. She was moaning about us growing veggies and fruit tree and when we added to grow some corn and squashes , the stuff becaming such a hot gossip topic to her...
                      To me, they don't exist... that way I won't get annoyed and yes, I really enjoy our own garden produce and they get nothing out of it !!!
                      We always give our surplus veggies and fruit/ berries to other neighbours but not them... hi hi hi

                      Don't let your self annoyed by these people OWG, stay cool and calm... people like that will b***ch what ever you do, it is just in their blood plus they are jealous I guess.

                      I grow, I pick, I eat ...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
                        I left some plum jam and a couple of cucumbers on their doorstep last night ...
                        I bet they are not on the doorstep now, munch, munch, munch



                        • #13
                          If only we all had the time to make sure the garden was perfect, but we are not all retired. My garden/house/life is a real jumble and I do jobs when I can - my mums house is like your neighbours, not a single thing out of place and she often 'tuts' when she sees the state of the place but I've made it quite clear that I couldn't care less, take me as you find me and revel in it!! If we were all the same what a boring world it would be, and anyway, when my friends come round they feel really at home and at ease, at my mums you daren't do a single thing in fear of ruffling the curtains or something, I know where I'd rather be!!
                          Take no notice of gossips and love your house and garden as it is!!
                          best wishes


                          • #14
                            I hate to see perfect lawns and veg plots, nature isn't perfect so why try and make it that way? I like to see unruly areas because it lets nature do its thing. I am interested to know whether he took the pressies in and whether he had the guts to say thank you.


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