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The Cheek of It


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  • The Cheek of It

    I do not know if this story is true. It was told to me as though it was. It is one of those you would like to be. Does anyone else have any cheeky stories like this?

    Apparently a widow bought a house that had a rather wild looking garden. Her and her late husband had been keen gardeners, and she wanted to bring the new garden up to scratch. She tried making a start on the mess, but there was all sorts of rubbish there. As the work was too hard, she complained about it to her son. He came up with the cheeky idea. He got hold of an old bone and stuck it in the gound. Then he phoned the police, told them that a bone had been found while they were digging. The police then sent a homicide investigation team round, who, as the story goes, proceeded to dig the whole issue up, searching for more bones!

    "Raised to a state of heavenly lunacy where I just can't be touched!"

  • #2
    Originally posted by zebedee View Post
    I do not know if this story is true. It was told to me as though it was. It is one of those you would like to be. Does anyone else have any cheeky stories like this?

    Apparently a widow bought a house that had a rather wild looking garden. Her and her late husband had been keen gardeners, and she wanted to bring the new garden up to scratch. She tried making a start on the mess, but there was all sorts of rubbish there. As the work was too hard, she complained about it to her son. He came up with the cheeky idea. He got hold of an old bone and stuck it in the gound. Then he phoned the police, told them that a bone had been found while they were digging. The police then sent a homicide investigation team round, who, as the story goes, proceeded to dig the whole issue up, searching for more bones!
    We were hoping that we'd find some sort of artifact when making our veg patch, then we could get Time Team in to dig it all up....


    • #3
      Not to be recommended.

      In the village I used to live in there was a person who had a habit of burying illicit substances in his garden, or so it was thought. The police paid him regular visits and turned over his garden in the hope that they would find something. I don't think that they ever did but he had the best dug garden for miles around.

      Foolish man never took advantage of it and just let it return to weeds.
      Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


      • #4
        We dug the lawn up in our old house to level it and make a patio, and had a disturbing moment when we found "stuff", all tied up in bin bags and covered in bricks.... had visions of bodies under patios and all that... luckily, it was all builders rubble and mess, that they'd just turfed over when the house was built.... phew!


        • #5
          I had a very similar experience - I think it was an old soakaway. When it was backfilled, someone had dropped their lunch rubbish in - anyone know when KP Outer Spacers cost 6p? Come to that, anyone but me remember them?
          I'm thinking of getting Time Team to excavate my locker at work. It's nicely stratified, and I think the lower layers are probably Roman.
          I imagine the drawback to getting the Police to dig your garden - assuming they accept it was a genuine mistake, and don't charge you with wasting their time - is probably that "no smoke without fire" attitude a lot of people have. If you have kids, though, you could try a Treasure Hunt themed birthday party - bring your own spade!
          Last edited by Rowan; 02-09-2007, 03:50 PM. Reason: Spelling.


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