I've just bought a book "Led by the nose; a garden of smells" by Jenny Joseph (who also wrote "When I am old I shall wear purple"...........and I will, rary.
Jenny writes about the plants that "smell" each month in her garden.
I'm a compulsive rubber and sniffer. Can't pass the mint or lavender without giving it a fondle. However, there are also some foul smelling plants that I detest - like Flowering currant and Hedge woundwort.
Humour me please. Next time you're in your garden/plot, have a sniff around and tell us what smells you've found. Nice or nasty, it doesn't matter. Just describe them for us.
Thanks in anticipation

Jenny writes about the plants that "smell" each month in her garden.
I'm a compulsive rubber and sniffer. Can't pass the mint or lavender without giving it a fondle. However, there are also some foul smelling plants that I detest - like Flowering currant and Hedge woundwort.
Humour me please. Next time you're in your garden/plot, have a sniff around and tell us what smells you've found. Nice or nasty, it doesn't matter. Just describe them for us.
Thanks in anticipation
