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The Annual Appraisal and Stocktake 2018-19


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  • #31
    Well, new garden and allotment this year so not seen much to complain about, in fact not seen much at all apaprt from courgettes! You plant four thinking you wont get much and you are over run.

    Anyway sad to say that the gojiberry is due the chop. It was given to me by my youngest niece (she is on a health kick) and everyone is in agreement that unless it shows something this year it goes. We haven't had any berries yet but it did flower last year and has recently flowered this year.

    Everything else is a likely candidate for next year.

    Any one know what plants thrive in floods?



    • #32
      Won't be growing sweet corn. They tasted lovely but only got two cobs from each plant. them but they take up too much space and when shelled, just enough for a dinner or two.
      Broccoli, not enough crop to justify the space.
      Need to have a long look at next season to get the best from the space I have.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • #33
        Nothing will be going in the ground next year except leafy veg, climbing French beans and cukes.

        In pots, as usual, I shall put toms... no more than two courgette plants because l could quite happily never eat another one but I don’t just grow for me... chillies and one Honey Bear squash because it looks lovely in a big pot.

        I give up trying to grow coriander and admit defeat. I won’t be growing plum toms again or any regular spinach. I’ll see how I go with the winter variety, hopefully it won’t bolt.

        Debating whether it’s worth growing beetroot in pots...


        • #34
          So have done lots of thinking and planning for next year. I enjoy that.

          Growing again
          Peas (overwinter and spring this time
          Strawberries - refreshing some old plants
          Carrots - think I’ve cracked the variety for me
          Leeks - from plugs not seed
          Courgette - differentvtype but only one plant
          Tomatoes - but some outdoor as well as gh. Different varieties.
          Potatoes - 1 bed Instead of two
          Salad - leaf and little gem
          Chillis - habaneros and maybe jalapeños

          New next year
          Borlotti - for husband
          Celeriac - I like a challenge

          Not next year
          Sweet potatoes
          Sweetcorn - although I do love it
          Peppers - too much work for little return
          Jerusalem artichokes - unless amazing when.
          I try them

          Herbs- will get rid of a mint and not grow any from seed apart from basil. See what survived over winter and maybe buy a few plants and stick them in the beds.

          Phew. That’ll keep me busy.
          Last edited by annie8; 07-09-2018, 08:37 AM.


          • #35

            I lost the grapevine this year as I received complaints they weren't seedless after years of training the vine and finally getting a reasonable quantity.
            Reducing the amount of varieties of spuds as I'm growing to feed the extended family some of who now appear to see the red cross parcels of veg as a burden rather than a benefit, perhaps I overdid it with the courgettes
            Courgettes only one plant not two next year


            More Beetroots but over a longer period of time
            Additional bed of sweetcorn do there is enough for the squirrels and me when they get ripe
            Raspberries and more soft fruit
            Green Manure
            . .......Man Vs Slug
            Click Here for my Diary and Blog
            Nutters Club Member


            • #36
              This year's veg patch has been pitiful.

              My plan is: work less, grow more. I'm getting too old not to have a life!


              • #37
                I have essentially had a year off from doing anything much.

                Bucking the trend of lots of posts in this, I want many more raspberries, though they are properly tortured on my clay soil!

                I want a lot less bindweed, and am digging out the Glaskins Perpetual rhubarb I grew from seed. (your seeds I think Lardman!) True to reputation it is really Glaskins Perpetually Flowering and the stalks are tough. Replacing with another Timperley Early with a stonking top up of manure and then will be standing well back next year!!

                My thornless tayberry has one more chance to give me berries that don't taste of soap. If they stay disgusting next year, they are out in favour of more wineberries or thorny tayberries. I will brave any number of prickles for tasty berries!

                Standard peas are out, early mangetout and sugarsnaps are in. Standard garlic is out and elephant garlic is in - in both cases I get an abysmal crop from the former and a great crop from the latter.
       - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                • #38
                  I've cut down on everything this year and will do so again next. Only grew 10 tomatoes outside but have had a bumper yield and most popular with all the Tom lovers in my family and friends has been Ildi, a yellow grape variety, so more of them next year
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • #39
                    I only grew a few veg this year but I don't seem to have missed much that I haven't grown. It may be time to do a big revaluation.

                    Keepers- sweetcorn, courgette, french beans (not as many as previous years), squash, leeks, toms (reduce plant numbers), cue.

                    My blackberry and loganberry may be for the chop I never actually manage to harvest anything from them.


                    • #40
                      Tulameen Summer Raspberries were great. Joan J autumn rasps not looking as productive - next year I won't try two timing them and just let them concentrate on producing canes for Autumn, that'll lighten the load during the summer a bit as well (although they were nowhere near as productive as the Tulameen).

                      This year was the 4th year of the strawberry bed - it's also been the most productive year for them yet so I don't know if I should pull them out and start again or do that next year.

                      New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

                      �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
                      ― Thomas A. Edison

                      �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
                      ― Thomas A. Edison

                      - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Florence Fennel View Post
                        Ildi, a yellow grape variety, so more of them next year
                        Ooh one of my bargain wilko seeds today. I love toms and looked interesting on the packet so I thought why not. Glad to hear it is tasty.


                        • #42
                          Keeping - garlic, onions, sweetcorn, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, golden acre cabbage, new potatoes (in bags rather than ground), courgette, pumpkin, toms , sweet peppers (more varieties), cucumber, chillis.

                          Maybe - kale (probable just less).

                          No - spinach (two years of abject failure), leeks (ditto), beans and peas (perhaps a few French and mange tout but they were decimated by birds this year), butternut squash, potatoes in the ground.

                          Additions - more flowers for cutting, winter cabbage, interesting squashes, different varieties of parsnips. Half a new allotment (did I just sneak that in).


                          • #43
                            Much as we love eating broccoli, sprouts and kale, I've reached the end of my tether trying to grow them. The amount of space and pampering that brassicas need just doesn't justify the end results, what with all the liming, collars, nets, caterpillar inspection, removal of yellowing leaves etc etc. And just when you think you're getting somewhere, the sun comes out for a few days and the wretched plants decide to bolt.

                            So next year will be my first brassica-free plot. Instead I'm going to grow loads more sweetcorn which I've found are such a no-fuss and reliable plant.


                            • #44
                              No more:
                              radishes (I don't like them, red or black!)
                              potatoes (not enough room for the monetary yield, other than possibly new potatoes)
                              round courgettes - rubbish yield for the space they take up

                              Absolutely yes:
                              patty pans - amazing this year
                              tromboncinos - amazing
                              courgettes of all kinds other than round
                              beetroot (if only I could get them to grow better
                              cucumbers - massive hit this year
                              tomatoes of all varieties, and growing in ikea bags in the greenhouse next year.
                              raab - first time growing them this year and loved them!
                              herbs of all kinds

                              Trying for next year:
                              Armanian cucumbers - got the seeds off ebay already lol


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                                Because of developments ( or maybe not ) I may be down sizing all my growing next year !!!!
                                What ever happens pea beans and Turks turban are still out.
                                A lot less squash and sprouts, no sweet corn, no cucamelons.
                                Because of even more developments (different ones) ( or maybe not ) I maybe going bigger and more than ever in the garden!!!

                                Everything else is the same.


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