Hi all,
I�m looking for recommendations for a good weed killer for path�s, there are no plants or grass around this area it�s just a patio area that the weeds just keep coming up and I want to try and get rid of them. If anyone has any advice of a good weedkiller that I can use then please let me know.
I�m also looking for recommendations of how to get rid of ants, I have got loads and loads of ant colonies All over the grass. The answer both black and red ants I�m not too fussed about the black and the red answer starting to become a problem and so anything that could help me get rid of them because we don�t really want to have a picnic on our grass let alone grow anything.
Thank you for reading and I�m hoping that someone might be able to help me
I�m looking for recommendations for a good weed killer for path�s, there are no plants or grass around this area it�s just a patio area that the weeds just keep coming up and I want to try and get rid of them. If anyone has any advice of a good weedkiller that I can use then please let me know.
I�m also looking for recommendations of how to get rid of ants, I have got loads and loads of ant colonies All over the grass. The answer both black and red ants I�m not too fussed about the black and the red answer starting to become a problem and so anything that could help me get rid of them because we don�t really want to have a picnic on our grass let alone grow anything.
Thank you for reading and I�m hoping that someone might be able to help me