Going back a number of years, when Spain used the peseta rather than the euro, in any little supermarket you could buy a small bottle of 'alcohol etilico' or 'alcohol 96�' for about 100 pesetas (50p). It would be sold alongside plasters and razors etc. The locals used to put it on insect bites. They used to just pour it on. It stopped the itching and was an antiseptic. Since then, on trips to Europe, I have brought the odd bottle back. I am now running very low. Does anyone know where I can buy it in England. My local chemist looked at me blankly and tried to sell me an expensive cream.
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Insect bites.
You can get it on [email protected] the postage is expensive. Though there are a few companies that sell it. Isn't it also called ethanol?
There's this one which is cheaper but it's only 70%
I saw a few online that were just a couple of quid...but you have to go through the checkout process to find the postage costLast edited by Scarlet; 30-08-2019, 11:03 AM.
This one is a fiver postage... 250ml for �1.05
I think you would find it in a good chemist.
I use anthisan cream, and strangely perhaps sudocrem, but they work for me, better than antihistamine or alcohol such as surgical spirit. I've been bitten a LOT this year compared to the previous few. I reckon it's cause it's more 'wild' up on the allotment, than the very protected, sealed off back garden of mine.
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