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grow veg book


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  • grow veg book

    Hi Folks
    Saw a thread on the vine somewhere about a g.y.o mag for �7.99 any way to cut a long story short Borders have carol kleins grow your own veg book on sale half price at �7.99 great book for beginners and better value than the forementioned mag i feel.

    hope this is of some use to someone out there in vine land.


  • #2
    Ive got the Carol Klein book, I was lucky enough to get it as a pressie, but anything gardening related which is a bargain is brill! Bernie
    Bernie aka DDL

    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


    • #3
      I have that book too, it's brill! Videoed the series too and have watched it several times.
      Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


      • #4
        I got that book last year and it was my bible for my first ever veg growing season. Expect to use it just as much this year too!
        Our little corner of the blogging world


        • #5
          i got mine free when i joined RHS its very good and i would recommend it
          The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


          • #6
            I have that book too and use it to supplement the advice I find on here Also have a very old Readers Digest book called Food From Your Garden which I love, tho it is probably a bit old fashioned these days
            Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


            • #7
              Reader Digest's Fruit & Veg Gardening

              I've just seen this book (�4) at my son's nursery for sale by Book People Ltd. Does anyone owns this and thinks it's a great 'one vegetable growing book' to have? Currently I don't have any veg garden book. There's fairly detailed instruction against each veg type atlhough some Brassicas are grouped together as one. There is a monthly growing guide in useful chart against all the vegetables in listed order.

              My only complaint is there is no container growing guide for vegetables that can be grown in pots with details like pot size/depth, soil requirements etc. Perhaps I can just scribble on the pages of the book against each vegetable .
              Food for Free


              • #8
                I've just looked on the Book People website to see if I recognise the book, but can't find it on there - sorry!!
                Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                • #9
                  Originally posted by veg4681
                  Does anyone owns this and thinks it's a great 'one vegetable growing book' to have?
                  Don't have this one, but I'd probably get it if I saw it cheap.

                  To recommend just one book....hmmm I'd have to ditch rather a lot....try Joy Larkcom - Grow Your Own Vegetables

                  Grow Your Own Vegetables
                  To see a world in a grain of sand
                  And a heaven in a wild flower


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by moggssue View Post
                    I have that book too and use it to supplement the advice I find on here Also have a very old Readers Digest book called Food From Your Garden which I love, tho it is probably a bit old fashioned these days
                    I have that book to, it's ancient! It was given to me by MIL and I love it!
                    Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


                    • #11
                      Glad I'm not the only one Lainey!! Its a great book which I'm sure will get very well used!! Its already full of grubby/muddy fingerprints from my dad who had it originally a good few years ago now
                      Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                      • #12
                        The only problem with 'old' gardening books is that they often recommend you to use chemicals you can't even buy these days - because they're poisonous. However, most veg growers are (I hope) sufficiently clued up not to put really nasty things on their food crops. They might not mention newer varieties either - but the advice on growing is usually sound and common sense.
                        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

               Updated March 9th - Spring


                        • #13
                          I know what you mean Flum, it is a bit old fashioned - but gives me a basic grounding when I dont have a clue Plus it has some recipes in as well, for chutneys and the like - though I think I'll be trying the ones on here first
                          Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                          • #14
                            The Reader's Digest book is the one below although not being sold from their website. I had a quick look again while I was there.

                            Fruit And Vegetable Gardening | ISBN: 9780276442056 (0276442059) | Our price: 6.99 GBP | You save: 30%

                            It has an A4 size worth of details about 'good companion' and 'bad companion' planting against a list of applicable vegetable.

                            There are few pages on various pest and disease but not each pest not too detailed.

                            It has same growing format against each fruit. I like the colour picture illustration of forcing chicory which I couldn't imagine how the whole process work.

                            Of cource it also covers veg like Asparagus but the book leave out the more exotic vegetables like Okra for example. The book isn't that thick so maybe easier to find details quickly as it may be written and presented more effectively...not like beating about the bush just to get a straight answer. I could get it for anybody who's interested but with postage, it may not be worth it . It may be possible to contact The Book People to find your local agent in your area who sells book at the nursery etc.
                            Food for Free


                            • #15
                              Carol Kleins - grow your own veg

                              I bought Carol Kleins book around Oct last year from the book people. It was about �5.

                              Absolutely love the book, sits on my coffee table and I read it over and ove again.

                              If your really sad like me, there is also a DVD on a CD site. Have ordered it (Saturday and waiting for it to arrive). It is all about growing your own veg, no idea if it is any good yet, but will let you know when it arrives.

                              The site is called CD Wow and just type in grow your own veg and click the DVD section and it will come up. It is about �11 and free P& P used them many times for cds etc and they are ok.


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