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Roof Blinds - HUGE savings!


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  • Roof Blinds - HUGE savings!

    Last month I replaced the blinds on my sloping roof windows which were in desperate need of seeing the inside of a dustbin!

    I went direct to the firm who supplied the windows and the original blinds - you know the one - begins with V ends with X!

    The cost for the 5 blinds buying direct was quoted at over £400 plus postage.

    By shopping around at various discount websites I managed to get the same set in the same design and genuine V***x branded blinds for £265 INCLUDING postage. I could have done even better with a cashback website - but found that one too late (booo). And if I'd not been too bothered about plainer designs could have saved even more - but one of the windows was not in the selection choices.

    I was shocked that buying direct would actually cost so much more. I was already prepared for them to be quite costly but THAT amount of difference?

    So please shop around now we have this wonderful age of internet shopping - and not just for window blinds.

    The blinds are great - full black out - not a moment too soon with all this extra heat we've been getting - and this girlie installed herself!

  • #2
    Well done you!

    Madmax and I are currently looking for new blinds for our front windows. We have roller blinds at the mo but would like nice wooden venetian style ones instead. Must remember to have a search online later (after measuring the darned windows)
    Happy Gardening,


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