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Best Seed Catalogues?


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  • Best Seed Catalogues?

    Not sure if this belongs here or in 'Vegging Out' but here goes!

    I'm a new convert to trying to grow my own veg. Can anyone recommend the best seed catalogues I could order to pour over during the next few rainy days?


  • #2
    Wow there are many to choose from, personally i go for Suttons , T and Morgan and Dobies ! Enjoy your reading !!


    • #3
      Google is your friend VickiB. All the big companies are online as well as the smaller companies who can have very interesting things and sometimes for better prices. You could waste your life looking at them all, never mind a rainy day.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #4

        Go ahead and google - worth doing as prices and quality vary considerably!


        • #5
          When we 1st started growing I liked Kings as it had lots of good pictures and info. I like Edwin Tuckers too for info and seeds. But I'd get them all and see what you like!
          To see a world in a grain of sand
          And a heaven in a wild flower


          • #6
            It really depends a bit on what you want. If you want your standard F1 seeds, Thompson and Sutton are probably the easiest choices. For more unusual varieties, try places like Great Vegetable Seeds from The Real Seed Catalogue. There are sooooo many out there, it's all a bit of personal preference really.


            • #7
              I think the greatest EVER seed catalogue is Moles Seeds Call them on 01206 213213 or Email @ sales I don't think you will want another seed catalogue.

              By the way I don't work for Moles - just use their seed :-)

              Seek not to know all the answers, just to understand the questions.


              • #8
                Try King's Seeds as well but if you want the seeds for this year's season,you'll be better with the trip to the Garden Centre-the seed companies are pretty busy at the moment which may cause the seeds to be sent later.If you go yourself you'll get them immediately.


                • #9
                  Organic gardening catalogue, on line as well. Lots of interesting seeds and I've found the germination rate to be excellent, much better than some other companies. they arrive in double quick time as well.
                  Mr Fothergills have a good special at the moment where if you buy to normal price packets of seeds you can buy as many of their vegetable explorers seeds at �1 a packet, very cheap for the type of seeds they've got.


                  • #10
                    Thanks so much everyone.

                    I did have a bit of a google last night before and after posting and ended up placing a small order from Dobbies!

                    Having got so many results on google I was looking for some personal opinions on the subject so thanks for all the info.

                    I'll have a proper browse later on today and maybe get a couple of paper catalogues from the companies that offer the most information (as I have very little knowledge myself yet!).

                    Originally posted by coreopsis View Post
                    Try King's Seeds as well but if you want the seeds for this year's season,you'll be better with the trip to the Garden Centre-the seed companies are pretty busy at the moment which may cause the seeds to be sent later.If you go yourself you'll get them immediately.
                    I am sooooo excited at the prospect of getting down to a garden centre! I told my Mum the other day and she was in hysterics reminding me of how Mum and Dad used to pack my sisters and myself into the car and go for a 'drive' and how we would howl our complaints when they pulled into a garden centre!

                    I don't own a car though and I'm nervous of getting a bus to a local one and not being able to haul all my purchases back on said bus! To which end I've applied to join a local car club... I get the distinct impression my new obsession is going to be costing me more pennies than I anticipated!


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