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Chest freezer recommendations?


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  • Chest freezer recommendations?

    As the garden bounty grows, the OH has started going fishing, and I am preserving like a woman posessed, the fridge freezer is heaving and I am fed up of playing freezer-tetris, I really want to invest in a good chest freezer.
    Do any grapes have recommendations? I had been weighing up whether to buy one secondhand, but I really want one that is as energy efficient as possible so that would narrow down the SH options I suppose.
    If anyone has any words of warning about particular brands/models that would also be gratefully received.

    Also, I would have to put it in the garage, but I had problems with a freezer in the garage once before with the ambient temperature being so cold that the freezer thermostat would switch off. Anyone get this issue with a freezer in the garage?

    All advice gratefully received!
    There is a war going on for your mind. If you are thinking you are winning.

  • #2
    I am very pleased with mine (I did a lot of online research before buying it).

    It's bigger than the picture looks too Haier BD143GB Chest Freezer. Reviews, Haier BD143GB Chest Freezer. Ratings at Argos
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      I got a 'nearly-new' off Freecycle and have it in the garage with no trouble at all, but our garage is at a pretty neutral temperature, so I don't have to worry about it switching off.


      • #4
        You only have problems with the auto defrost function on new the garage. I got a freezer off freecycle and its great in the garage. We fill it and the house one up during the summer then over the winter we eat it all then turn off the garage ones...I say that we have a fridge freezer in the kitchen and then a fridge freezer and another freezer in the garage. They get turned on and off as needed. Fridges and freezers either work or not....easy as that.
        My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


        • #5
          Sorry no suggestions,

          But a piece of advice for anyone shopping at Argos online:
          A "Larder" is an under-counter fridge
          A "Fridge" is an under-counter fridge with a freezer compartment in the top!

          Found that one out the hard way...
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          • #6
            Energy efficiency is most important. While a cheap second hand (or free) freezer may be appealing it could be a false economy. Check out the energy consumption/running costs first. Newer models are more likely to be A rated and you will recover the higher purchase cost relatively quickly with lower energy bills.


            • #7
              I've just bought the same one as Two Sheds (although not after too much research) to put in my shed and it's very nice, compact but deep. Currently full of peas and red/white/black currants.
              Last edited by Speed Gardener; 14-07-2009, 01:29 PM.


              • #8
                Thanks for the advice grapes I am going to have to make a decision soon because my freezer is so packed I am having to cook things from it just so I can get my coolbag freezer packs in there for impending camping trip. I like the look of that Haier model, even though I have never heard of that brand. Just shows how long it's been since I bought any white goods.
                There is a war going on for your mind. If you are thinking you are winning.


                • #9
                  I got a CF a few weeks ago on Ebay, desperation led to �98 and now couldn't live without it. My old upright has had its first defrost in years
                  Hayley B

                  John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

                  An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


                  • #10
                    I can't have a chest freezer - firstly - no room, secondly - I'm too short


                    • #11
                      ROFPMSL *pictures piskie bum in air legs akimbo upside down in freezer * wiping away tears hoot hoot
                      Hayley B

                      John Wayne's daughter, Marisa Wayne, will be competing with my Other Half, in the Macmillan 4x4 Challenge (in its 10th year) in March 2011, all sponsorship money goes to Macmillan Cancer Support, please sponsor them at'

                      An Egg is for breakfast, a chook is for life


                      • #12
                        LOL! I haven't dropped in on my thread for a while and I see there has been much mirth about finding piksies in the freezer in my absence, or at least that's how I read it the first time!

                        Well today, after much hesitiation at spending the money but then having had ENOUGH last night of trying to cram a friend's generous allotment donations into my tiny freezer, I have finally bitten the bullet and ordered a chest freezer.

                        Hotpoint - RCNAA53P - RCNAA53P - Polar White - chest freezer - Appliances Online

                        It's more than I wanted to pay and bigger than I thought I wanted too, but everyone I've spoken to says 'think long term, you'll fill it!' and I chose Hotpoint as according to my Good Shopping Guide they have one of the best environmental and ethical scores out of all the fridge/freezer manufacturers, and it's A+ rated. Delivery Saturday, can't wait!
                        There is a war going on for your mind. If you are thinking you are winning.


                        • #13
                          Lost Goddess, I bought an AEG Chest Freezer last year which I though was massive and would have more than enough room. Needless to say I am awaiting a delivery on Saturday of a Zanussi Chest Freezer to make room for the remaining things in the allotment. Before I pass out at the cost I am telling myself that the investment will eb worth it - but do keep feeling faint at the cost....swoon swoon.....Thankfully at 5ft 9 I won't have the problem of Piskie but it did make me giggle!

                          Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
                          Even a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step!


                          • #14
                            Muwah Sprocket I hope I don't have the same problem as you and end up having a garage full of chest freezers!
                            There is a war going on for your mind. If you are thinking you are winning.


                            • #15
                              I don't know whether 'Hamster Baskets' are still around (bought a set at least 20 years ago, they last forever) but would recommend them to anyone buying a chest freezer.
                              If you have a couple of hundred litres of freezer, digging to the bottom can be a problem (as Piskie obviously knows). Hamster Baskets (or any similar product) are the answer (maybe even for Piskie).

                              Here they are
                              Last edited by Hilary B; 22-07-2009, 08:28 AM. Reason: found the link
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