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Passata machine


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  • #16
    Sarah � yes, sounds good, particularly if you�ve a glazed one as will stick better. Then the problem will be not to scratch the wood-grain work-surface�. A damp tea-towel (damp to stop it skidding�.) might do that. (Thinks�. Isn�t life is so much easier buying stuff from Tescos�?)

    Back to KateP�s original problem: Kate, it�s worth doing a GYO site search on �passata� (ask if unsure how) as there are several recipes and previous detailed discussions, for example see:

    Also, Kate, the part of your original query that related to jam making, a different (and possibly better) solution to the pip question is to use a juice steamer, they�re brilliant (I first heard of these continental gadgets on this list). Not cheap, the posh ones such as sold by Juiceland (and currently out of stock) won�t give you much change from �100, see:
    Mehu Liisa Steam Juicer @

    which makes a jar of jam somewhat pricey. I believe they�re much more common (and cheaper) on the continent if you or friends are travelling this summer�

    And finally, as this thread is probably being read by kitchen gadget freaks here�s a freebie to a good home (and nowt to do with passata�.). The �Princess� (ha! wot was I thinking of?) electric potato peeler and salad spinner - see e.g. a pic on
    Princess Potato Peeler and Salad Spinner -
    I have one that�s completely unused (both functions available to me on other gadgets) if anyone would use it? I no longer have the original box. Charity shops tend to not want electric gadgets and I could do with some space on the gadget shelf for new gadgets�. If interested send me a PM.


    • #17
      After your recommendations for a mouli I looked at the prices - oh well - that's out the window then!

      But with the blackberries piling up I decided to see if they'd work in the passata machine and yes, mostly they do, not entirely pip-free but you do get a good puree and if you run the blackberries (or other berries would work?) through a couple of times you get nearly everything out of the fruit.

      A horrible mess to wash up but I expect the mouli would be the same, so until I can afford one, this will see me through this year.



      • #18
        Stupid question alert - what's the point of a passata machine? I just puree my roasted tomatoes, onion etc and use that as a passata type sauce. Is it just so that it removes the pips? If so then I'm more than pleased they don't bother me as I've no room to put a machine! Did sieve one lot of rapsberry jam this year but to be honest I prefer a bit of texture.

        Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

        Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


        • #19
          Its supposed to be a bit easier than forcing it through a sieve.


          • #20
            I had a passata machine but quickly gave it away and bought a mouli which is easier, quicker and less messy. As we grow about 60-70 tomato plants and produce a fair few tomatoes we quickly weed out implements that are not up to the job.
            Last edited by pigletwillie; 13-08-2009, 03:57 PM.


            • #21
              have you tried a potato ricer? i find it easier than a mouli.. its like a big garlic press but you can puree large amounts at once i got an oxo "good grips" one. potato ricer website has lots to choose from.


              • #22
                Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
                I had a passata machine but quickly gave it away and bought a mouli which is easier, quicker and less messy. As we grow about 60-70 tomato plants and produce a fair few tomatoes we quickly weed out implements that are not up to the job.
                Oh dear piglet, I hope your Bamix is still useful.

                As I said in an earlier posting we have both a mouli and 'food strainer' aka passata machine, and wouldn't be without either.

                The passata machine is wonderful for processing tomatoes. You cut the tomatoes up, put them in the top of the machine, turn the handle (If you put the tomatoes in whole, they are likely to go 'pop', and end up on the ceiling. The tomatoes are passed through a screen, skin and pips go out of one tube, the seedless pulp (passata) is passed out of the screen. You can pass the skin and pips through several times to extract the maximum juice.

                The mouli certainly has its uses. Smooth mashed potato is one of them.

                Making smooth soup, is another. During the asparagus season we go to a local producer, use the tops to eat and the fibrous stems to soup. Having cooked the stems, together with other ingredients, I mouli the mix, simply because it takes out the fibrous tissue.



                • #23
                  Are you supposed to cook the tomatoes in some way before putting them through the passata machine or do you do them fresh?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by SMS6 View Post
                    Are you supposed to cook the tomatoes in some way before putting them through the passata machine or do you do them fresh?
                    We don't, we put the tomatoes through the machine raw, and then boil them up to reduce to a thick puree. We then either freeze, or add to soups and stews.



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