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Rice Cookers


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  • #16
    Boiled Rice

    Originally posted by Alison View Post
    Am probably being dim but what's difficult about cooking rice? I've always just boiled it until cooked in a load of water, drained in a seive and rinsed with boiling water. Only ever had problems when I've not been paying attention and overcooked it. Didn't realise you could get rice cookers and never thought of doing anything complicated with it either! Must have led a sheltered life!
    Hi Alison, there is nothing wrong with boiled rice, but you loose a lot of nutrients but it goes well with some dishes. When you boil it add some stock to the water or spices or whatever you fancy......but surely you don't need that gadget.
    Don Vincenzo


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mrs Dobby View Post
      I had a cheap rice cooker from Ikea, worked brilliantly, especially useful if your busy doing something else, as once the rice is cooked it turned over to keep warm moce, so never got cold or overcooked rice, was always perfect and very easy to use, yes it is a gadget, but definitely one I'd buy again! Shame ours broke after 5 years of use, but for a �10 it was good value!
      Hi Mrs Dobby
      when I buy something I try to make sure that it last several generations, 5 years and it broke? it was a rip off, you could try to take it back and ask for a refund.
      Don Vincenzo


      • #18
        I bought a plastic microwave rice cooker years ago (sure it might have been when we got the first microwave). Its one of these filter/steam baskets inside another plastic pot. Two cups of rice, cover with boiling water and bung in the microwave for ten minutes. Drain and stand for 2 minutes. Perfect rice! Never fails. One of the most used bits of plastic in our kitchen.
        Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
        ~ Mary Kay Ash


        • #19
          It's great when you just find a little gadget that works for you, isin't it Jennie. When I was a girl and a novice cook I had an egg separator I got from the Betterwaer man. Now I just chuck the yolk about between the two halves of the shell , but that gadget was great at the time.
          As an aside, when the Chinese take a little bit of plain boiled rice at the end of a meal it signals they have finished eating. Rather like us putting our knife and fork together. Or the French crossing them on the plate. Anybody know what anybody else does ?

          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


          • #20
            put them in the dishwasher????...
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #21
              I've spent the last seven years living in Asia- just about everyone there uses a rice cooker. They are simple to use and work. I wouldn't be without one but we do eat a lot of rice. They are a very useful gadget- we use it at least three times a week. Perfect every time and it keeps the rice warm once it is done.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                put them in the dishwasher????...
                what's a dishwasher? I'm the dishwasher in my house! DDL
                Bernie aka DDL

                Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                • #23
                  Meant to say that I always use Basmati rice in all my cooking. Best rice - never seems to fail.
                  Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                  ~ Mary Kay Ash


                  • #24
                    A Dishwasher is what you don't appreciate til you've got one DDL. I always thought "why do I need a dishwasher" no matter what evryone said. Since I've had one - about 15 years - I just think, what did I do without it. The only thing I regret is all the years I didn't have one. It would certainly be on the top of my priority, must have, list.

                    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                    • #25
                      I didn't realise, but I've been using Delia's method for about 20 years. I was shown how to by an asian neighbour when I lived in London.
                      It's a lot simpler than Delia says though:

                      Use 2 x water to rice - amount varies obviously depending on how many you are feeding.

                      I measure 1/2 mug for 2, use 1 mug water
                      Bring to boil with lid on. Turn of heat as soon as it boils. Walk away and play here for a while
                      go back and serve meal.

                      With brown rice just let it simmer for 5 mins or so, then turn it off.

                      I find about 1/2 mug serves two normal adults, No1 son claims 1/2 mug to himself.

                      I also use Basmati rice. It works a treat.
                      Last edited by madderbat; 19-01-2007, 09:45 PM. Reason: add brown rice


                      • #26
                        I've always gone by Ken Hom's method. I always rinse my rice first too.

                        Put whatever amount of rice you want in a pan then add cold water so that when you put your thumb on the top of the rice the water reaches the first crease in your thumb... (seems to work regardless of thumb lengths) add some salt. Put a lid on your pan (preferably a glass lid) and bring to the boil then turn heat down and simmer till it is just rice on the surface. (I always take lid off and try a few on the surface. If its still really hard I let simmer for 5 more minutes then turn the heat off. Let it stand for 5 or ten minutes and it will be perfect.
                        Don't ever stir it just let it cook on its own at a simmer.

                        Personally i'd rather just sod the rice and cook a lemon meringue pie... far tastier!
                        Erm.... I cant think of a signature


                        • #27
                          Forgot to say I had a rice cooker and I followed the instructions and everytime it boiled over and had rice goop everywhere..... RUBBISH!!
                          Erm.... I cant think of a signature


                          • #28
                            Thanks Littleweem. I know how to cook rice to my satisfaction.I just wondered if the machines were any good. I think you answered my question.

                            From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                            • #29
                              I was thinking about buying a rice cooker a while back, but I decided to go for an eletric steamer instead. It has a container to cook rice in which works well and i have cooked rice for 3 in it - but with it you have 2more layers to add veg to and you can add things that cook at different times as you go a long. Cant rember the price but it is one of my best buys.
                              Denise xox

                              Learn from the mistakes of others because you'll never live long enough to make them all yourself.
                              -- Alfred E. Neumann


                              • #30
                                EASIEST RICE:
                                use double the volume of water to rice (ie half a cup of rice, one cup of water) I boil the water first in kettle to save leccy on the stove. Bring to boil, never stir the rice ! then simmer for ten mins. Turn off heat, stir and leave to steam for another 10 mins. Brown rice or basmati always works better than cheap white rice.
                                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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