After having our shed burgled a few months ago (and having already bought a new 'gas stove', but being unable to find anyone selling the gas cartridges at a reasonable price) we had our attention caught today by a new outdoor kettle, and after doing a bit of research, ordered one today from the Self Sufficient Shop.

Its a 'twig kettle', which uses a very small fire (literally a few twigs) to boil up to 1.5litres of water in a fairly short time, along with a couple of attachments that allow you to heat a saucepan (or frying pan or wok) at the same time, ideal for doing a cup of tea and warming some home made soup on those cold days in the winter in the plot!
We will let you know how it works when we get it, but thought it such a great product I just had to share!
The Self Sufficiency Shop - 1.5 Litre Twig Kettle

Its a 'twig kettle', which uses a very small fire (literally a few twigs) to boil up to 1.5litres of water in a fairly short time, along with a couple of attachments that allow you to heat a saucepan (or frying pan or wok) at the same time, ideal for doing a cup of tea and warming some home made soup on those cold days in the winter in the plot!
We will let you know how it works when we get it, but thought it such a great product I just had to share!
The Self Sufficiency Shop - 1.5 Litre Twig Kettle