I've recently become involved with setting up a gardening group at the primary school my children go/have been to. They were given a quantity of money raised by the local Veg Show Committee, with the proviso that it was used for veg. growing, and apart from setting up raised beds, we decided to use a big chunk of the money to set up a polytunnel. I rang round a few local suppliers for quotes, to get the best deal for the school's money. One supplier in particular bent over backwards to be helpful, knocked the price down, and, threw in timber base rails for nothing. I gave the details to the person [who was supposed to be] running the group, and waited for it to be ordered. And waited. And waited... Eventually, we were told it had been ordered, and it was delivered early last week. Then we waited to find out when it was going to be erected. And waited. And waited... Having lost all patience by this point, I staged a bit of a coup...
Although, having enquired, the price for professional construction was way beyond our budget (£400!) I've managed to round up a couple of willing helpers, and we're doing the deed this Saturday.
HOWEVER.... Having opened one of the boxes to get the instructions out for a recce this afternoon, I discovered that despite all my work getting a fantastic deal, 'the person' had ordered a 6x8 tunnel, not an 8x10 Cue panicked phone calls to the supplier of the tunnel, certain that this is going to end up costing us money to sort out, which is already earmarked to pay for the timber to create beds in the tunnel and an accessible waist high raised bed outside. But, thanks to the company's generosity of spirit, they are going to swap our tunnel for the correct one before the end of the week, so that we can get on with the job on Saturday morning, as planned, and the kids won't lose any more of an already short season.
I've already been accused of having some kind of connection with First Tunnels, but I can assure anyone who cares that I don't, and the order being made in the name of the school, they would have had no idea that I am loosely connected with GYO. They just live up to the reputation they have in this area of being a genuinely helpful, community spirited company, and the school gardening group is very, very grateful.
Although, having enquired, the price for professional construction was way beyond our budget (£400!) I've managed to round up a couple of willing helpers, and we're doing the deed this Saturday.
HOWEVER.... Having opened one of the boxes to get the instructions out for a recce this afternoon, I discovered that despite all my work getting a fantastic deal, 'the person' had ordered a 6x8 tunnel, not an 8x10 Cue panicked phone calls to the supplier of the tunnel, certain that this is going to end up costing us money to sort out, which is already earmarked to pay for the timber to create beds in the tunnel and an accessible waist high raised bed outside. But, thanks to the company's generosity of spirit, they are going to swap our tunnel for the correct one before the end of the week, so that we can get on with the job on Saturday morning, as planned, and the kids won't lose any more of an already short season.
I've already been accused of having some kind of connection with First Tunnels, but I can assure anyone who cares that I don't, and the order being made in the name of the school, they would have had no idea that I am loosely connected with GYO. They just live up to the reputation they have in this area of being a genuinely helpful, community spirited company, and the school gardening group is very, very grateful.