Just went to my local G&L store (Percy Throwers) and all seeds were half price. They have 1000's of packets of Suttons, Thompson and Morgan and Unwins all reduced.
Also included were the James Wong's Homegrown Revolution seeds and all seeds by the Eden Project which have some very unusual varieties.
Garden & Leisure : Store Finder shows the nearest stores to you, there aren't many but I'd say its worth looking at if you are local to one.
The James Wong seeds are also on 3 for 2 as well as half price, so you get 3 packets for �1.80.
Now I need to refrain from going back...!
Also included were the James Wong's Homegrown Revolution seeds and all seeds by the Eden Project which have some very unusual varieties.
Garden & Leisure : Store Finder shows the nearest stores to you, there aren't many but I'd say its worth looking at if you are local to one.
The James Wong seeds are also on 3 for 2 as well as half price, so you get 3 packets for �1.80.
Now I need to refrain from going back...!