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  • drippers

    Bottle top drippers - large orange spikes which screw onto large lemonade bottles which you then stick into ground- �6 for 6 Kleeneze.

  • #2
    bought some a couple of years ago from kleeneze. they have proved a real godsend. i use two litre plastic bottles with the bottoms cut out around my fruit trees, tomatoes etc. just fill up the bottle and let it drain, very little waste and perfect for liquid feeds. only the plant gets it right at the roots. will be keeping an eye out for our rep to get some more.
    Kernow rag nevra

    Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
    Bob Dylan


    • #3
      I got four a few weeks ago (not Kleeneze I must admit) and have found them most disappointing. Never mind keeping a plant watered for 30 days (as the blurb said) I'm lucky to get the water to last three hours before its seeped out! At least it is going straight to the roots, but I had hoped it would do better.
      Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
      ~ Mary Kay Ash


      • #4
        That was my view of them too Jennie. Decided last year to melt a hole into the plastic lids of 2 litre bottles, cut their bottoms off and bury those at the base of the pumpkin plants. I put a large handful of pelleted chicken manure into the bottles and topped up with water as and when needed - seemed to work quite well.
        Happy Gardening,


        • #5
          My soil is heavy clay so hopefully the water should take a bit longer to seep in. We try to water every two days but it will be better to fill up bottles than sprinkle the surface with water. even in the evening last year our allotment was baking and the water just ran off surface.


          • #6
            I read somewhere that plastic bottles with a tiny hole in the top will water toms etc for a couple of days. I was hoping to use this idea when we go away for a long weekend early July but maybe I'd be better buying some of these dripper thingys if the plastic bottle idea won't last?
            Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


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