has anyone got a clue how I can control my hayfever this year? Giving up gardening is not an option. I have been thru Benedryl, Piriteze, Clarityn and all the others, sometimes in tandem. Nothing is working and I am sick of wasting my money. What's the next step? Anything stronger available? couldn't find anything useful on the Net, wondered if anyone has any experience of something that actually WORKS (and please, no honey from local bees, or other folk remedies...I'm going chemical on this one!
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Hayfever Remedy that works
I use a product called Haymax - not chemical, but it works for me.
It is a balm (beeswax, vegetable oil to soften and (optional) essential oil) that one applies around the nostrils and it works by stopping the pollen getting into the respiratory system. Before I started using this 3-4 years ago I used to be badly affected by tree pollen from early spring and then shrub pollen late spring to early autumn. Now I keep a pot in a pocket whether walking the dogs, gardening or just walking round town.
Not chemical but not desperately expensive either. It wouldn't counteract any chemical solution. It is apparently available in some high street stores but best bet is to Google the word "Haymax" and one of the first links will be their website. Might be of interest to other grapes even if you decide it's not for you.
All the best finding your working solution.
ok, you sold me, I'll get some. I actually saw it in SuperDrug, but thought it was just some useless vaseline sort of gimmick. will buy some 2moro
http://www.haybalm.f2s.com/?gclid=CJ...FRROQwodJ0Z-tQAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
piritons hay fever ( comes in tablet or liquid ) i found to be good , the liquid is good as it kicks in fast.---) CARL (----
a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!
now in blog form !
UPDATED 15/4/09
Go to the GP and ask for a shot of desensitiser. Alternatively, a friend of mine who virtualy died every Summer from hay fever went to work for a few years in South Africa, he said that during his time there he had absolutely no symptoms at all. So if all else fails....emigrate.I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!
piriton puts me to sleep, clarityn works but costs too much and I don't like the idea of just telling my body to cut it out. I'd rather not have hay fever.
So I started taking mixed pollen homeopathy last year and am continuing this year. Interestingly I seem to only be reacting on the days that everyones sneezing this year, ie non hayfever sufferers are reacting 'cause the pollen count's that high.
I'm really chuffed as I can just pop a mixed pollen pill and the symptoms are gone in about 10 minutes, no more itchy red eyes and the sneezing slows too.
I think in about 3 years I won't be a hay fever sufferer anymore.
I think you can get a nelsons homeopathic for hayfever that might be worth a go. I got mine from helios where my mum works.
AngieNewbie gardener in Cumbria.
Just started my own website on gardening:
Angie, Sorry , but slow on the uptake....tell me exactly what you take, where to get it, what it costs, etc...
thanks awfully
(STILL streaming at 1am, locked inside an air-locked house, in the fog, no pollen to be seen for miles around)All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Just had a thought Two Sheds. Melissa essential oil (Lemon Balm) is reputed to be antihistaminic. You could try some as tea/infusion of fresh leaves or add to salads etc. Might help a little. Plus it might help you feel a bit better in yourself as hayfever symptoms always look really awful. I am fortunately not a sufferer but you have my sympathy.Last edited by Earthbabe; 11-06-2007, 08:02 AM.Bright Blessings
If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.
thanks EB, I've got tons of Melissa on my plot, might start drinking it. Not sure if that Haymax will work as it is my running streaming crying eyes that bother me most, the sneezing I can just about deal with...its having mascara running down my face all day that does (vanity, huh)All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
I'm sat here sniffing as we speak...( not just cos I feel sorry for you!)
I take Loratadine 10mg which only helps a little.
It is in fact the same as Clarityn and comes in packs of 30 tablets for about half the price of a pack of 7 Clarityn tablets.
Most chemists stock it and it really irritates me when I ask for it that they looked shocked that someone in the general public knows it can be bought off prescription.
I got my last lot from either Tescos or Sainsburys, but my local co-op pharmacy also stock it.
There you are folks...just needed to share that money saving bit of info with you all!
Happy sniffing!"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
local honey is not just old-wifes-tale, IT WORKS!!, it worked for me and as soon as it was better i stopped and hayfever returned, i was tested and allergic to grass-seed, but you need to take it at least a few weeks early for the full effect, i have done the chemical path, it only masks the problem, and some of them you cant take long-term anyway.
I got Chamomile tea today to try for the hayfever next. Shall get more local honey soon.
But as for chemical, if i have bad sinusitis, i find that sinu-tab is very good.
i have asthma too, and havent used my inhaler since i started with peppermint tea and Manuka honey.
occassionaly i also buy hayfever relief x7 tablets for 99p from sainsburys, check if it has the same ingredients as the more expensive brand names, and get that instead then, its cheaper.
hope you get some relief soon, its very irritating to have this problem, constantly itching.
good luck!!
let us know how you find all the products to work...
Well if you want to actually solve the problem completely as in no longer be a sufferer it is possible.
Here's what I've been doing I think missing any of the parts won't work and it's a several year plan.
The main thing I need to do is simply stop my body over reacting.
So early spring I start taking a teaspoon of local honey a day. It has to be local or at least from similar pollens/nectars that you have around, ie I used scottish heather honey if I can't get cumbrian. Look for a farmers market and see if there's any local producers there. Honey is a wonder cure for a lot of things. Lots of people know about honey and lemon for sore throats but not many people know why it works it seems.
The lemon is astringent and helps kill things a lot like a bleach or antiseptic, the honey lines the throat and the sugars in it actually kill whatever's invading you. There's more to it that that but it's amazing stuff.
Start the honey in spring to get your body to start getting used to the local pollens before the onset of the worst of them.
Do you know what pollens you're reacting to, for example I'm worse with tree and grass pollens, rape seed makes me stream.
back to the plan, so your having a teaspoon of honey per day (nasty so far isn't it
I don't know about Melissa but nettle tea is loaded with antihistamine so you could always make a nettle brew (maybe put some honey in it). I know friends who swear by nettle tea. Never tried it myself as I want my body to get the idea that it's being stupid but if I get desperate I might.
Then theres several homeopathic remedies. I get them from helios who do every remedy on the planet:
Homeopathy comes in many strenghts for a long term problem and without consulting a proper homeopath you should stick to 6c, possibly 30c... NO higher. You can get this stuff up to 12M which is a super dose but it won't do what you want and could make you worse. If you want to know how it works I can explain but in fact 6c is the least dilute of the combinations, the more dilute the more potent they get, basically it's not at all like normal medicine.
Mixed Pollen 6c
take 3 times a day. I recommend getting the 28g pills combination. which is about �6 and you'll get hundreds of pills for that, should last you a year or 2.
That's to teach your body to stop over reacting. If you're eyes are itchy you want a remedy called Euphrasia, know in the old days as eye bright.
you can take 6c several times a day if you're really suffering you can take 1 every half an hour but I wouldn't do that every day, if it doesn't work for you then taking more won't help but you should try it for at least a month to see if it does.
You can take other stuff like loratadine as well they won't interfere with each other but if you remember to take the mixed pollen 3x a day you may find next season you don't need to loratadine anymore. I need them about 4 days a year now. I used to take them every day for about 4 months.
Hope it works for you as well as it has for me, truth is it doesn't work for everyone. If you have loads of toxins in your body (read drugs) then it could take longer to work but for �12 you may have a long term solution.
Mixed Pollen & GrassesLast edited by vertangie; 11-06-2007, 01:44 PM.Newbie gardener in Cumbria.
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