Hi I tried pencil and the write disappeared' tried permanent mark pens and again the writing disappeared, tried this new uv stable water resistant permanent pen from garden centre and today I found empty label. Luckly I have plenty plants for each variety so Not bothered much but what do you use as plant label? I was looking maybe at some kind of artistic foil so if the colour disappear you can still read the engraved line on it but they are quite expensive.
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Plant label blank again. What do you use?
I use black plastic labels and white chalk pen. The pen doesn't come off till it's washed with hot soapy water. I have some that have been on the plot for 2 years and the letters haven't come off.http://mudandgluts.com - growing fruit and veg in suburbia
I've tried all sorts of pens but one thing I've learnt by accident is - the writing on the part of the label that is stuck into the ground doesn't fade. You could put the name on the label twice - to go above and below ground. Then, when the top part fades you can pull up the label and see what you've sown
Chinograph (sp) pencil on normal labels then rub off with one of those magic erasers which take marks off walls. Quick, cheap and easy and means I can reuse my labels for years.
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Which one are you and is it how you want to be?
Originally posted by Hazel at the Hill View PostAll marker pens are rubbish in my experienc,e Sarico, but I find that pencil stays visible on those white plant markers - then at the end of the season I stick 'em through the dishwasher, dry them, and rub the pencil out all ready for the next year.Location....East Midlands.
Invaluable thread - thanks for raising the question, Sarico.
I have a lot of white labels and have tried different marker pens but every year the writing comes off.
The thing is, I can write in marker pen without having to go and get my specs - not so with pencil. But maybe there's a pencil that comes up nice and dark on the label?
Another solution of course is to do a diagram and write down what you've planted where. The labels, however they are written, normally survive the seed tray stage.
Again white labels and pencil.
And a warning - I've found the really cheap plastic labels only survive one season in the sun and often shatter on washing/reusing. (And always shatter when MrPP gets the strimmer out)
Le Sarramea https://jgsgardening.blogspot.com/
I don't like to buy things like labels,when I can use things I've already got around the house. I just won't pay the �2.00! I did once,wooden type label & black marker pen,to put in my potato sacks,with date. They were fine. But now I've put a number on my bags,write the details of that bag on the calendar. For my little pots,I get a biro write the name of plant on a bit of paper,cut it,selotape it on pot. When potting on,unstick it then put it on the new pot. When planting out,try to remember what I've put where. I am trying to keep a record,but it's hard when some of the pots don't have labels on. I didnt even notice how useless my method is,until you mentioned about labels. Thank you Sarico!Location : Essex
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