I have rather suddenly found myself with an allotment after an email at work offered a plot to anyone who wanted one. I was on the list for a council one but think i still have about 8 years to go
I am Amy and live in Edinburgh. My plot is to the west of the city and is about 14 x 9 m. Its recently been rotavated so i think my first task is to check for any more weeds hiding under the ground. My dad had a green finger and grew a lot in his poly tunnel. I am hoping that i have learned something from him!
I have been given advice from covering it with plastic to leaving it and not even digging it. I wasnt planning on putting anything in the ground until after Christmas but maybe i am selling myself short there. I think i need to do a bit of reading and decide whats the best course of action. Oh and buy some tools as i only have my mums old hoe...!
I have rather suddenly found myself with an allotment after an email at work offered a plot to anyone who wanted one. I was on the list for a council one but think i still have about 8 years to go

I am Amy and live in Edinburgh. My plot is to the west of the city and is about 14 x 9 m. Its recently been rotavated so i think my first task is to check for any more weeds hiding under the ground. My dad had a green finger and grew a lot in his poly tunnel. I am hoping that i have learned something from him!
I have been given advice from covering it with plastic to leaving it and not even digging it. I wasnt planning on putting anything in the ground until after Christmas but maybe i am selling myself short there. I think i need to do a bit of reading and decide whats the best course of action. Oh and buy some tools as i only have my mums old hoe...!