I'm new here but been looking around and there seems a barrow load of good advice, so I thought I'd jump in.
I don't have an allotment yet. When we moved house a corner of the garden was given over to Veg, just under the kitchen window. We thought it would be a great way to introduce our then young daughter to the idea of growing things. It worked to a degree. It was the wrong corner of the garden, up against the north facing side of our house, and received little full sun. We made the most of it and successfully grew a variety of veg over the following years in four edged beds that allowed some basic crop rotation. Plenty of broad beans, dwarf french beans, garlic, kale, the odd cabbage, tomatoes and sweetcorn, to name a few.
Ultimately though it was clear that the position was not ideal and two years ago we covered it all over and made a lovely seating area on a deck. I miss the veg! So started looking at getting an allotment. Our town has a few so I put name on the waiting list. There are about 30 people in front of you I was told. That was 18 months ago. A polite enquiry for an update and I'm now 14th.
Now I'm normally a patient chap but there are limits, so I started some research and found three other sites within 10mins from the house in neighbouring parishes. One clearly states that plots are only for residents but they have vacant plots, the residency rule is hard and fast. The other two are more welcoming to non-residents stating only that residents are given priority on the waiting list. I.e. They run two waiting lists effectively and only when the resident one is empty are non-residents considered.
The good news is there is only one other person on the waiting list at the moment so I've put my name down. Both sites have an annual review in January as that's rent payment time so I'm told there is a good chance a couple of people will decide not to renew their plot and I might get a chance for one. Fingers crossed, only need two people to decide not to continue and will have an allotment.
Trying not to get too excited, but having spoken to one of the membership managers on the phone at the weekend he seemed fairly confident something would be available this month.
Wish me luck.
Mr H
I'm new here but been looking around and there seems a barrow load of good advice, so I thought I'd jump in.
I don't have an allotment yet. When we moved house a corner of the garden was given over to Veg, just under the kitchen window. We thought it would be a great way to introduce our then young daughter to the idea of growing things. It worked to a degree. It was the wrong corner of the garden, up against the north facing side of our house, and received little full sun. We made the most of it and successfully grew a variety of veg over the following years in four edged beds that allowed some basic crop rotation. Plenty of broad beans, dwarf french beans, garlic, kale, the odd cabbage, tomatoes and sweetcorn, to name a few.
Ultimately though it was clear that the position was not ideal and two years ago we covered it all over and made a lovely seating area on a deck. I miss the veg! So started looking at getting an allotment. Our town has a few so I put name on the waiting list. There are about 30 people in front of you I was told. That was 18 months ago. A polite enquiry for an update and I'm now 14th.
Now I'm normally a patient chap but there are limits, so I started some research and found three other sites within 10mins from the house in neighbouring parishes. One clearly states that plots are only for residents but they have vacant plots, the residency rule is hard and fast. The other two are more welcoming to non-residents stating only that residents are given priority on the waiting list. I.e. They run two waiting lists effectively and only when the resident one is empty are non-residents considered.
The good news is there is only one other person on the waiting list at the moment so I've put my name down. Both sites have an annual review in January as that's rent payment time so I'm told there is a good chance a couple of people will decide not to renew their plot and I might get a chance for one. Fingers crossed, only need two people to decide not to continue and will have an allotment.

Wish me luck.
Mr H