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  • Hello


    So I�ve lurked for a long time and finally have the space and time to get growing. Recently moved back home and have a very large garden. I haven�t measured but I think there�s about 6 beds (or room for them once it�s all dug over) 2 6x4 (I think) greenhouses and two long raised beds.

    Greenhouses are for toms (yellow and red) and cucumbers and then one raised bed currently has onions in it. Only fills around 1/4 of the bed so need to find something to put in the other end thinking leeks. I also have 1 blueberry bush and 3 raspberry bushes in pots as they were advertised as pot varieties and then 4 pots of strawberries. I got these last year and can�t remember the variety at all. Also bought a rhubarb plant the other day which I think I�ll be putting in a pot as I don�t want it spreading everywhere.

    It won�t let me edit my profile but I�m in Sunderland in the north east of England. Any advice appreciated and hopefully I�ll get some lovely fruit and veg this year

  • #2
    Hi Adele and welcome. The first post after a long lurk is always the hardest

    You may not be able to edit your profile/post photos until you've made a few more posts but you'll soon be there. Your garden sounds perfect and ready to go.
    Rhubarb doesn't really spread, its not invasive like some plants, the key thing is to plant it where it can stay for many years.


    • #3
      Welcome to the vine
      You need to make a few more posts before you can edit your profile or add photos.
      It's a security thing to make sure you're not a spamming robot .

      You've got lots going on in your garden, it sounds great.
      Make sure your rhubarb goes in a very big pot. I've got mine in a tractor tyre .
      Only because I wanted to be able to take it with me when I move. They get big but I don't think they actually spread enough to become a pain in the butt . Obviously I could be wrong, I'd wait for someone who knows what they're talking about.


      • #4
        VC types quicker than me


        • #5
          Needs a good digging and tidy but other than that shouldn�t be too much work. I still need to make a proper plan so I�ll try and find a proper home for the rhubarb, I didn�t think it really spread but my Granda said it would and he�s been growing veg his whole life so I�ll have to have a look into it and try and convince him otherwise 


          • #6
            Not sure you are at this stage (you may already have done this) but one thing I found helped me was to do a sketch map of where I wanted all the fixed things were to go, like k GH's, compost heaps, trees etc then next fix my main access point and major path to get a wheelbarrow along - the rest of the beds have to fit in to the unfilled space.


            • #7
              Rhubarb is a space hoggerfor sure but it sounds like you have got lots of space so just go for it. Rhubarb is available so early in the season when there’s not much else really. So worth it.Congratulations on your new garden. I hope you have fun.


              • #8
                Everything that�s permanent is already there. So all the paths are already there along with the greenhouses. So I know where the beds and everything are just need to plan what�s going in them as I�m just sort of winging it at the minute. Need to go through all my seeds and see what I fancy


                • #9
                  Hello Adele, you will get lots of lovely advice on this forum. Full of nice folks
                  Nannys make memories


                  • #10
                    Hello and welcome. Looks like you're up and running already. Congrats. Best wishes for a great growing year.


                    • #11
                      Hi Adele welcome to the vine!


                      • #12
                        Hello Adele and welcome to the Vine
                        I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                        Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                        • #13
                          Yes, Adele, welcome and happy growing - you sound like you have the makings of an empire

                          From Planet of the Apes to Animal Farm: a record of our first year in a microscopic country village with more cows and stars than people -


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