Hello to all
I am new to this forum but not to gardening. Have been a home gardener for many years and this is my 3rd year on the allotment. I love producing things to eat but don�t necessarily like everything I produce! I live not far from the Mendips so quite a mild climate.
This year my challenge to self is to grow sweetcorn and chillies. Last year swede but won�t bother again as no discernible difference from s/markets and takes up too much space.
No greenhouse just a plastic covered shelving unit, raised bed, cold frame and numerous window sills.
Looking forward to participating and enjoying the benefits of this online community with its great shared knowledge.
I am new to this forum but not to gardening. Have been a home gardener for many years and this is my 3rd year on the allotment. I love producing things to eat but don�t necessarily like everything I produce! I live not far from the Mendips so quite a mild climate.
This year my challenge to self is to grow sweetcorn and chillies. Last year swede but won�t bother again as no discernible difference from s/markets and takes up too much space.
No greenhouse just a plastic covered shelving unit, raised bed, cold frame and numerous window sills.
Looking forward to participating and enjoying the benefits of this online community with its great shared knowledge.