Hi I�m a newbie to his forum, but not to growing my own veggies. I just had a poly tunnel erected 14ft x 24ft, it�s a present to myself from my mum who passed away 2 years ago last month.
I�ve been growing out doors in the garden for a few years now, growing potatoes, curly kale, onions, shallots, cauliflower, sprouts which I hate but the missus loves, beetroot, tried carrots with mixed success parsnips and swede with no success.
I got myself the tunnel to try some chillies, tomatoes cucumbers squash, and strawberries, but at the moment I�ve just filled the raised beds with Nicola potatoes (2nd earlies) that I had chitted in the shed and they have taken off like wildfire.
I�ve been growing out doors in the garden for a few years now, growing potatoes, curly kale, onions, shallots, cauliflower, sprouts which I hate but the missus loves, beetroot, tried carrots with mixed success parsnips and swede with no success.
I got myself the tunnel to try some chillies, tomatoes cucumbers squash, and strawberries, but at the moment I�ve just filled the raised beds with Nicola potatoes (2nd earlies) that I had chitted in the shed and they have taken off like wildfire.