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  • #16

    Many thanks for the very warm and kind welcome. Allotment coming along nicely at the moment but been burgled already. They nicked a staple gun and a lighter. Later found that 2 waterproof boilersuits also gone.

    What site should I use to upload photographs please.


    • #17
      Originally posted by mrjarraman View Post
      Many thanks for the very warm and kind welcome. Allotment coming along nicely at the moment but been burgled already. They nicked a staple gun and a lighter. Later found that 2 waterproof boilersuits also gone.

      What site should I use to upload photographs please.
      You must have a certain number of posts made before the system lets you post photos. Then you need to be careful of the size. I have to resize on my iPhone as the resolution is to high.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Can the Man View Post
        You must have a certain number of posts made before the system lets you post photos. Then you need to be careful of the size. I have to resize on my iPhone as the resolution is to high.
        Ok many thanks


        • #19
          Hi again! Keep posting as you'll soon be able to post photos on here.

          Tell us some more about your plans for your new plot. What do you want to grow next year?


          • #20
            Sorry to hear you've been burgled. But I have to admit i am curious to know what the waterproof boilersuits were for...


            • #21
              Welcome to the Vine
              All at once I hear your voice
              And time just slips away
              Bonnie Raitt


              • #22
                Let us know what your allotment is like now and what plans you have for it - eg what you'd like to grow in terms of veg and fruit and we will try to help if we can.

                Happy gardening :-)


                • #23
                  Hello and welcome. Sorry to hear about your burglary - tea-leaves are a problem down here too. I might staple chicken wire around the interior of my shed, including the window, which might make all but the desperate give up. A neighbouring allotment holder found all his stuff that was taken from his shed at the local car-boot sale and with the help of a policemen, who seems to be always on site, got it all back! I shall keep all my favourite tools at home.
                  Cheers Ant.

                  "Isn't it enough to believe a garden is beautiful without having to believe there are fairies at the bottom of it?" Douglas Adams


                  • #24
                    Welcome to the vine! Im sorry to hear about the thieves, it must be disheartening. I worry about that, and never leave anything worth having up on the plot. But then I have a van that I use as a shed, and it's coming to its last days I think, so I will need to start thinking about getting a car. One with a big boot.


                    • #25
                      I basically want to plant stuff to eat. I already have onions in. Lots of veg and a few fruit bushes are to be put in.

                      The waterproof boilersuits are 1/ to keep the dirt of clothes and 2/ to keep the rain off.

                      Thanks very much for the replies. I will be asking loads of questions as time goes by.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by mrjarraman View Post
                        I basically want to plant stuff to eat. I already have onions in. Lots of veg and a few fruit bushes are to be put in.

                        The waterproof boilersuits are 1/ to keep the dirt of clothes and 2/ to keep the rain off.

                        Thanks very much for the replies. I will be asking loads of questions as time goes by.
                        Sounds like a plan :-)

                        It's a good time to plant soft fruit now if you can get what you want - places like Morrisons often have small pots for �2 or so which can be OK.

                        Couple of things to bear in mind with rasps., goosegogs, blackcurrants etc :-
                        1) they can live quite a long time gooseberries for example will do 25 years if they like the spot they are in
                        2) because you aren't replanting them each year like veg its best to clear the ground of all weeds first before planting, particularly for say rhubarb
                        3) varieties differ quite a lot - in terms of how easy they are to grow, how resistant they are to diseases and the taste of the fruit

                        plenty of info on this on previous threads here on the vine, including suggestions for the best tasting varieties.

                        Happy Gardening

                        PS a good pair of secateurs or a pruning knife makes a good suggestion to add to your list to send to Father Christmas :-)
                        Last edited by nickdub; 27-11-2019, 04:50 PM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by mrjarraman View Post

                          The waterproof boilersuits are 1/ to keep the dirt of clothes and 2/ to keep the rain off.
                          Now there's posh! ☺

                          Don't you find them a bit sweaty?


                          • #28
                            That's a bit personal, Mike.


                            • #29
                              Hiya and welcome.


                              • #30
                                Ive got latest photos but cant upload. How many posts do I need?


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