Thanks for all the input, my father in law suggested alpacas. There are some old corrugated iron pig sty's left from when it was a smallholding. I did get a hurdle weaving course as a Christmas present.
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I'm incredibly envious of your 1.7 acre plot.
If had that, bit by bit would be my plan and I'd utilise chickens and the goat as others have suggested.
You can provide a movable run for the chickens, they are incredible soil improvers removing unwanted weeds and turning the top part of your soil incorporating their manure.
The goat maybe borrowed or purchased, either way it'll clear everything for you and manure the plot.
Lots of weed suppressing cardboard, picked up free almost everywhere, just remove the staple and the selotape, go for the brown non shine stuffsigpic
Owning your own livestock is a big commitment in terms of time, so I'm sure if you do decide to go down that route you will already have thought it through.
Otherwise, getting someone who already has animals nearby involved, so they can make use of the space you have for their animals for a while might be a way of "testing the ground" as it were.
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