Hello or Hello again (or rebonjour as they say in these parts)
I�m embarrassed to see that I haven�t posted since 2017 although I have popped in for a read at least twice since then
. Life has just rather got in the way - in particular our fledgling garden maintenance business took off, meaning Mr PP had to buy loads of extra power tools
. But it has been nice to work in other gardens and see what other folks do.
So, the plot in the Pyrenees still develops; yesterday we ordered a terrifying 20 field maples to be traditionally pollarded (by me
) along the line of our drive. And after a decade here that will be the very last bit of landscaping in what was once a poor & brambly pasture. The majority of the garden is really a meadow and orchard, a potager close to the house feeds us, there�s one posh ornamental bit (still a work in progress, but it will be finished this year!) and then loads of wild areas for the beasties. Although I wish the deer and boar would stay in the forest next door.
I'll try and contribute once again, although with sowing a shed-load of chillies topping the to-do list for next week, and those trees to plant, perhaps not! Looking forward to reading all your lovely, informative and silly posts once again
I�m embarrassed to see that I haven�t posted since 2017 although I have popped in for a read at least twice since then

So, the plot in the Pyrenees still develops; yesterday we ordered a terrifying 20 field maples to be traditionally pollarded (by me

I'll try and contribute once again, although with sowing a shed-load of chillies topping the to-do list for next week, and those trees to plant, perhaps not! Looking forward to reading all your lovely, informative and silly posts once again
