Sorry for the late introduction,joined last summer and here I am only introducing myself now....boooo😂😂 Last year was my first attempt at growing veg in the garden (with mixed successes) I blame the cold spring up here in Aberdeenshire😂 Also first year with a polytunnel,which went quite well,loads of cucumbers,sweet corn,more green tomatoes than red ones,due to having to bin my first 3 lots of leggy seedlings,over watering them!! And was quite chuffed I got some Emir melons.I also have a mad obsession with trying to produce great looking hanging baskets,surfinia petunia and trailing begonias 👌🏻😎.My partner Fiona decided to get bees,I caught the bug instantly,2 nucs turned into 4 hives by the end of summer,2 swarms seen to that,fingers crossed they get through winter.i keep chicken and also have 9 (nine) dogs,3 German shepherds,a family of chihuahuas,mum,dad and 3 of the pups that are now 4 from a accidental litter and a wee Pomeranian.Now I�ve posted my intro I�ll be asking lots of questions over the coming months
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Hi guys
Hi and welcome to the vine! The friendliest and the nuttiest place on the intarweb
Last year was pretty rubbish for a lot of us I think - some things didn't grow at all because it didn't really get either warm, nor light. Better luck to us all this year!
Wow, you are a crazier pet person than I am! I have four cats, two dogs and a chicken
Hi and welcome to the vine
I would love to see pics of your dogs as well especially the pomeranian. The ones I have known are lovely little dogs so don't know why they are not more popular.
As for your leggy toms. Depending on just how leggy - you can often get away with burying them deeper when you pot on. They can be quite forgiving.
Looking forward to your posts
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