I have been tackling the weeds on a plot that has not been cultivated for several years a couple of miles or so from Worksop.
My biggest intact dock root so far was 20 inches long.
It looks like we will have to wait patiently for a photo as my account is not fully approved yet.
Some of the plants I have put in are beginning to show signs that they are growing and some of the seeds are up to there teething leaves.
My first problem has been a lack of frost after I turned over all those blocks of clay soil so they will have to be smashed with the back of a shovel while they are dry. That will save me from joining a gym
I built the rain water overflow first and as soon as I put the storage tank in that wretched rain finally stopped. A single frog has arrived but no spawn unless another turns up. Photo later...
I spotted many fingernail sized toads emerging from local ponds last year and have seen many of those. They have not grown big enough for spawning this year though. At least they are big enough to eat slugs now.
I bought some wild bird seed last year and the house sparrows ignored it. I found a bird feeder in the shed when I took the plot on last December and loaded it up with the seed the sparrows turned there beaks up at and two pairs of gold finches came and squabbled over it. It didn't go to waste after all. I have managed to get another bag of bird seed without having to wait all over again after doing food shopping. We will see if the gold finches will take to supermarket bird seed in a few days.
My biggest intact dock root so far was 20 inches long.
It looks like we will have to wait patiently for a photo as my account is not fully approved yet.
Some of the plants I have put in are beginning to show signs that they are growing and some of the seeds are up to there teething leaves.
My first problem has been a lack of frost after I turned over all those blocks of clay soil so they will have to be smashed with the back of a shovel while they are dry. That will save me from joining a gym

I built the rain water overflow first and as soon as I put the storage tank in that wretched rain finally stopped. A single frog has arrived but no spawn unless another turns up. Photo later...
I spotted many fingernail sized toads emerging from local ponds last year and have seen many of those. They have not grown big enough for spawning this year though. At least they are big enough to eat slugs now.
I bought some wild bird seed last year and the house sparrows ignored it. I found a bird feeder in the shed when I took the plot on last December and loaded it up with the seed the sparrows turned there beaks up at and two pairs of gold finches came and squabbled over it. It didn't go to waste after all. I have managed to get another bag of bird seed without having to wait all over again after doing food shopping. We will see if the gold finches will take to supermarket bird seed in a few days.