first let me say how much i enjoy the forum,there is so much advice ,help ,and support when needed,I joined just over 3 weeks ago,I live just north of leicester with my husband,have 3 sons and 5 grandchildren,we have a large garden,lawn with shrub and flower boarders,to one side are 2 prunus trees just starting to blossom,what a lovely sight
,these we inherited,to me it's the start of spring,I am the gardener and he do'es the heavier work as he not know the difference between a usefull plant and a weed,last year we took on an allotment and i loved it,but was not big enough,so this january we took on a double plot,he's been factory door knocking for pallats ,these are in the proccess of being tranceformed into fencing,pathway edging,fruit beds and everything usefull.our youngest son also has some plots on our site and rotovates for us when needed,my what a help that is,were are nearly ready to start planting now,can't wait for things to start growing again,I have always loved the garden.
