hi just like to say hi to everyone i was browseing through the web sites and found the grape vine noseing through and i was reading posts for 4 hours and thought sod it im joining i grew up with gardening my grandfather he was prolific in one year he grew 200lb in weight of runner beans the whole family were eating them for months and was a prize winner in the ole beef tomatoes my nan used to freeze pickle jam everything you name it whatever you can eat he grew me nan had to make do with the front garden for her roses as there was no room in the back hehe, i used to live in a mid terrace place with a yard it was pokey, i grew what i could to the point where my partner one year said for gawds sake please grow some flowers for a change hehehe you couldnt see out of my kitchen window in the summer as i had my runner beans growing across it, i just said it saved my shutting the cutain at night, now i have a 70ft garden and im like ekkkkk what the hell do i do with all this space, looking for a cheap greenhouse at the mo, one of those plastic ones that make good kites in this current weather
i need to get one as im itching to get started, the main reason i do it is so my son can actually identify veggies and eat them i find if they are apart of it they will eat it, also he has asperges (can never spell it right) and E no. free diet i belive helps alot. ok enough of my rambleing i will be putting input as im loveing this site
