My name is Mary I live at Silchester nr. Reading Berks UK I have a large garden surrounded by woodland. I hope to speak to you soon Best wishes for the planting season. Mary
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Scarey's mum says hello to you all
Hi Mary,
Welcome to the vine.
Your garden sounds great I would love to see a picture. What are you growing this year?
MandyLast edited by mandyballantyne; 17-03-2008, 11:19 AM.
Originally posted by mandyballantyne View PostYour garden sounds great I would love to see a picture. What are you growing this year?
MandyAttached FilesLast edited by Scarey's Mum; 17-03-2008, 12:05 PM.
Welcome to the grapevine - does scariness run in your family? Scarey Mary now!
I think you've planted those horses too close together. Hope to hear more from your lovely garden.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Originally posted by Flummery View PostWelcome to the grapevine - does scariness run in your family? Scarey Mary now!
I think you've planted those horses too close together. Hope to hear more from your lovely garden.Great minds think alike Flum! I was going to ask where you can get those lifelike horse statues!
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Oh, I've prolly missed you now Mary and you'll be back home already so soon!
But HELLO! from Trousers and myself anyhow.
Looking forward to talking Flowers with you at some point I hope!
Excellent idea, the horses, no need for tiresome trips around the garden with a wheelbarrow. Just tether the horsie where you want the manure....and PLOP!
Clever Mary!
Mary, Welcome back to Blighty now!
You know, when I had my gorgeous stay with your daughter and Klever Keith, my return flight got delayed and I ended up sitting in Limogue Airport/on the Flybe Elastic-Band-Jobbie-Plane/on the Tarmac for about 7 hours, and they almost cancelled the flight entirely, because the baggage door indicators were showing CLOSED when they were OPEN, or vice versa, and the pilot wouldn't take the aircraft off the runway until an engineer could check it over, and as an engineer wasn't available until the following day..........and I'm frankly 'not bov.vered' now anyways?! BUT I made some lovely new ex-pat acquaintances (one of which I MUST write to shortly, as she'll be back en France from her daughters' in Australia about now).
Got a free Chicken Caesar Wrap and a Dray Whate Wane out of Flybe once we finally took off though! Hell were we Ravashed and Thirsty....!!
With being out there since February, it'll prolly feel quite strange being back home again? and you'll certainly notice a change in your garden, what with Spring springing an' all.... I know our garden, and the surrounding woods are changing by the week, and certainly, my clients' gardens are really beginning to green up a lot. Spot of weeding in order, me thinks....!
Really looking forward to chatting with you soon.
XLast edited by wellie; 29-03-2008, 11:12 PM.
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