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Hi everyone - yet another newbie


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  • Hi everyone - yet another newbie

    Hi everyone. I'm new to the site and to veggie growing.

    Hubby has 'slaved' all winter to renovate bottom of the garden ( to make an area to store his boat really ) , but in the process has also made some raised beds to grow veg in .
    He now informs me that because he's going to be far tooo busy sailing the boat, the veg growing is up to me !! I 've got as far as buying lots of seeds and planted some tomato seeds indoors which now have about 4 little leaves on ( bless! )
    Scarey thing is actually putting anything out there yet in case it freezes to death or blows away.
    I'm sure I'm going to be on here quite often asking for advice!!!

    Last edited by margotay; 29-03-2008, 12:43 PM.

  • #2
    Hi Margo

    Welcome, hope you have fun growing the veg whilst Jerry is away.

    If you put your location into your profile, then someone who lives nearby can advise on when things should be going outside; for me there's no chance yet, apart from broad beans and herbs.

    There's a thread called 'what I did today' that you can follow what everyone is doing, it helps to know who is planting stuff when.


    • #3
      Don't put the toms out until the threat of frost is past. You don't say where you are but here in East Yorks we are not safe until mid-end May. Keep them somewhere light - a greenhouse is best but not always available. Even so I bring mine indoors at night. It gets below freezing in there. I put them in there in the day to make sure they get plenty of light or they get 'drawn' and leggy, which you want to avoid.

      Welcome to the Grapevine - loads of advice and friendship on here.
      Good luck. Remember, plants WANT to grow - you just have to make it easy for them. And when all else fails read the packet!
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #4
        Welcome to the Vine Margo. I'm sure your veg will do fine in raised beds - I grow mine like that. If your totally new to the business can I tell you the most common mistake newbies make is planting the whole packet and everything all at once. Most things you should plant little and often to keep them going. You'll get loads of advice on here.

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


        • #5

          Thanks for the replies.I live in Nth.Worcs., about 5 miles from Kidderminster. Pretty wild and wet here at the moment though.

          Wondered about how much of everything to put out. Wen a bit mad on the tom. seeds and now have 2 trays of seedlings.!!!

          Thought about starting off some courgettes ,lettuce and broccolli indoors now. Does that sound sensible ?

          Last edited by margotay; 29-03-2008, 01:44 PM.


          • #6
            Hi Margo.

            Welcome to the forum and good luck with all your growing. I wouldn't worry about having two trays of tomato seedlings, I've got four! I can't get enough of tomatoes.


            • #7
              When they've grown up a bit and are ready , do I put them all out at the same time? I'm sure its much easier to control a class of 6 yr.olds than to cope with a load of rampant tomato plants !!!! Perhaps I'd better go back to work !!


              • #8
                Hi Margo

                Welcome to the forum, I am also a newbie of about a week. I have learnt more in this week than I would have ever got from a book! And the non stop humour is a big bonus

                If you do plan on sowing courgettes don't go mad with these seeds as the can produce a prolific crop. I've got about 4 seedlings which have come up, they are about 3in high, I learnt yesterday that you don't need to many otherwise you won't be able to give them away!

                Good Luck

                Updated 23rd February 2009


                • #9
                  hi margo - welcome to a really friendly forum! courgettes are rampant, but I think I've said on another thread, I'm growing 4(?)this year...hopefully plenty to keep me going! my toms are on windowsill and will stay there until time to go out. have fun herbie and probably others, learned more on this site is a few days rather than reading a book. I made the mistake of buying too many gardening mags last year to find out about growing veg...and all the info is on this forum. However the Grow Your Own mag is one I don't live without! Enjoy!
                  "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


                  • #10
                    Hello Margo, you can sow some lettuce and other salad leaves on the windowsill now. Put them outside on good days and nights. Anything above 5 degrees will be fine for them. Plants left in the seed trays will give you small baby leaves to cut with scissors for garnishes. Try some rocket - does great on the windowsill. Pak Choi will start well on the windowsill and can be planted into containers for a worthwhile crop. Good luck.

                    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                    • #11
                      Hi Margotay, you need to separate your tom seedlings and put them deep into small separate pots before the roots get all tangled up, usually at the four leaf stage. Anything that you've started indoors in pots or trays will have to wait until the weather warms up before planting out as they will just wilt in the cold wet soil. Plant courgettes a few at a time at two or three week intervals in pots of compost, you can start now and hope for some good weather but I'm waiting until at least mid May.
                      I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


                      • #12
                        Thank you everyone for your advice. You are right - this really is a friendly forum and I'm sure I am going to enjoy it.

                        I will separate the rest of my toms.tomorrow ( have already put some into tray with small separate plugs) and get seeding some salad ,courgettes and broccolli.

                        Is it too early to put some onions and shallots (sets not seeds) out yet ?



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