Hiya, I came across this lil gem of a forum looking for tips on growing eggplant, bell peppers, courgettes and Roma tomatoes, These are what I'm focusing on, for a hobby and to cut costs on my '5+ a day' eating habits, I love cooking with all the above mentioned for bakes and sauces etc.
I don't partically have much space so its all pots, when I was younger my parents gave me a patch in the garden for veggies, had all the usual, carrots etc, but then again I had my Grandad's expertise on hand, who sadly passed away about 5 years ago. I don't quite have his green fingers, but I love the idea of growing my own veggies, I always have!
I'm keeping the lil things in fibre pots in my room and in the bathroom(much to others annoyance)
Except for the courgettes they are growing quite slow,
Last year I bought an eggplant and I only got 2 from it, I grew one courgette plant and again only got 2 courgettes from it, so I'm very much hoping that It all goes better this year!
I do have my blueberry and strawberry plants form last year still.
Im 22 from East London, Studying full time
Biology and working part time to survive 
any free time I have is either spent online wasting time and tryig to meet up with mates etc When I get the summer off from uni: I love cooking/baking, researching healthier lifestyles and food and crafting.
Well I better get back to studyin :S
I don't partically have much space so its all pots, when I was younger my parents gave me a patch in the garden for veggies, had all the usual, carrots etc, but then again I had my Grandad's expertise on hand, who sadly passed away about 5 years ago. I don't quite have his green fingers, but I love the idea of growing my own veggies, I always have!
I'm keeping the lil things in fibre pots in my room and in the bathroom(much to others annoyance)
Except for the courgettes they are growing quite slow,
Last year I bought an eggplant and I only got 2 from it, I grew one courgette plant and again only got 2 courgettes from it, so I'm very much hoping that It all goes better this year!
I do have my blueberry and strawberry plants form last year still.
Im 22 from East London, Studying full time

any free time I have is either spent online wasting time and tryig to meet up with mates etc When I get the summer off from uni: I love cooking/baking, researching healthier lifestyles and food and crafting.
Well I better get back to studyin :S