Good afternoon to all,
recommended to come and have a look here by a mutual gardener. I have been very fortunate and got my first allotment as of 1 week ago

and still smiling. There is plenty of hard graft ahead as its been lying unused for a few years, and the couch grass has taken over.
Have double dug a small section so far but can see about another 60 hrs of hard graft ahead (its a big plot!!), can't see me getting anything in there this year, though I live in hope. The ground is claggy in top 6/7" and clay below, so I need some soil improvement this year me thinks any tips greatfully received.
I have good access to plenty of horse manure though have been told that this isn't the best manure for veg. My main objectives are to be self sufficient on fruit and veg by 2010, not a necessity as such but a goal. I am sure this will be revised many times over the forthcoming months.
General disposition is happy, quite pig like really, always hungry, and found mainly covered in dirt!
missus will vouch for this.
Hopefully I can gain some valuable tips from you experienced gardeners, and offer a lovely big diolch in return.
recommended to come and have a look here by a mutual gardener. I have been very fortunate and got my first allotment as of 1 week ago

Have double dug a small section so far but can see about another 60 hrs of hard graft ahead (its a big plot!!), can't see me getting anything in there this year, though I live in hope. The ground is claggy in top 6/7" and clay below, so I need some soil improvement this year me thinks any tips greatfully received.
I have good access to plenty of horse manure though have been told that this isn't the best manure for veg. My main objectives are to be self sufficient on fruit and veg by 2010, not a necessity as such but a goal. I am sure this will be revised many times over the forthcoming months.
General disposition is happy, quite pig like really, always hungry, and found mainly covered in dirt!

Hopefully I can gain some valuable tips from you experienced gardeners, and offer a lovely big diolch in return.