Hi there all
I have been browsing the web tonight looking for general info on tips and gardening info and fell upon this site that seems to tick all the boxes that i will be needing.
Never attempted gyo before and although really keen to try it all at once I know im being unrealistic and unless get help will fail miserably!
I have sowed some courgettes, peppers, chillis, toms and spinich all on sunny windowsills covered at moment, looking to do broccoli, carrots and salad leaves but at present no greenhouse, we are working on our garden this spring and i have requested room for my greenhouse for future use before other half plans all the landscape.
I do have a four tiered covered plastic covered temp one in garden just waiting to be filled.....
I only put seeds in this morning and keep checking them like a baby already cant help myself!
Anyway, hopefully you can all help me with my daft questions over coming weeks!
I have been browsing the web tonight looking for general info on tips and gardening info and fell upon this site that seems to tick all the boxes that i will be needing.
Never attempted gyo before and although really keen to try it all at once I know im being unrealistic and unless get help will fail miserably!
I have sowed some courgettes, peppers, chillis, toms and spinich all on sunny windowsills covered at moment, looking to do broccoli, carrots and salad leaves but at present no greenhouse, we are working on our garden this spring and i have requested room for my greenhouse for future use before other half plans all the landscape.
I do have a four tiered covered plastic covered temp one in garden just waiting to be filled.....
I only put seeds in this morning and keep checking them like a baby already cant help myself!
Anyway, hopefully you can all help me with my daft questions over coming weeks!