Hi Folks
This is the year in which I intend to grow my own veg.
We've lived in a lovely house with a kitchen garden and a big field for a long, long time and in the first few years of living here, my husband grew all sorts of stuff - potatoes, tomatoes, melons, sweetcorn, peas, beans etc. but then the kids were small and needed more time and so the kitchen garden plot reverted to the usual gooseberries, blackcurrents, redcurrents, apples, plums and pears which tend to look after themselves. Until late last year I was working full time and did not have the time but as I am now part-time I have decided to get things growing again.
I am hoping to do all of my growing organicly (we have a massive mound of 'black gold' humus from years of cutting our paddock and then piling it behind trees at the top of the garden). I have planted nastertiums and borage in the greenhouse for companion planting so that I can plant them out next to the veg and hopefully put off some pests. I'd like suggestions on what works best. I've read about slug pubs and like the idea of them but think our dog may get to the beer first! I've got loads of frogs and toads in the garden as there is a massive pond in our neighbour's garden which is fairly close to the boundary of our kitchen garden plot which is south facing.
I have chives, bay, rosemary, sage, marjoram & mint on hand already but have planted broad beans, peas, courgettes, radishes, salad mix, pumpkins and butternut squash in the greenhouse. I have onions and shallots in the cold frame and they are through already but I still haven't planted my potatoes and they are currently chitting in the garage. How long do the chits need to be before I plant? We are still getting regular ground frosts up here in Co Durham and I think I must have bought late potatoes. Does it matter if I leave it another week or so before I plant?
I've cheated and bought a few tomato plants which are currently in the conservatory but I intend to try out a topsy-turvy planter so they'll grow upside down. I'd like to hear from anyone who has used one of those. My experiment will have 2 growing upside down and 2 in the traditional grow-bag way.
Well that's all from me for now. Hope to get to know some of you over the next few months of postings. I know some things will grow like crazy and others won't but I suppose that's the fun of it all.
Parkysmum x
This is the year in which I intend to grow my own veg.

I am hoping to do all of my growing organicly (we have a massive mound of 'black gold' humus from years of cutting our paddock and then piling it behind trees at the top of the garden). I have planted nastertiums and borage in the greenhouse for companion planting so that I can plant them out next to the veg and hopefully put off some pests. I'd like suggestions on what works best. I've read about slug pubs and like the idea of them but think our dog may get to the beer first! I've got loads of frogs and toads in the garden as there is a massive pond in our neighbour's garden which is fairly close to the boundary of our kitchen garden plot which is south facing.
I have chives, bay, rosemary, sage, marjoram & mint on hand already but have planted broad beans, peas, courgettes, radishes, salad mix, pumpkins and butternut squash in the greenhouse. I have onions and shallots in the cold frame and they are through already but I still haven't planted my potatoes and they are currently chitting in the garage. How long do the chits need to be before I plant? We are still getting regular ground frosts up here in Co Durham and I think I must have bought late potatoes. Does it matter if I leave it another week or so before I plant?
I've cheated and bought a few tomato plants which are currently in the conservatory but I intend to try out a topsy-turvy planter so they'll grow upside down. I'd like to hear from anyone who has used one of those. My experiment will have 2 growing upside down and 2 in the traditional grow-bag way.
Well that's all from me for now. Hope to get to know some of you over the next few months of postings. I know some things will grow like crazy and others won't but I suppose that's the fun of it all.
Parkysmum x
