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new platic green house user


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  • new platic green house user

    Hi every one, just arrived today with my plastic green house in sunny Bedfodshire.
    Started filling up the 6 x4 walk in plastic green house, what should I look for in getting the best out of the veggie range.Also with the weather sunny today do I leave the plastic roll up door open and the covers over the seed tray off during the day
    Last edited by petlor; 21-04-2008, 04:40 PM. Reason: have sent post twice

  • #2
    It can get very hot in plastic greenhouses even at this time of year and you could end up frying your plants especially when they're little / imature. I'd definitely uncover during the day and if it's sunny open the door to let in some cool air. I've just reinstated my auto vents in my glass greenhouse and yesterday they were coming slightly open even though it didn't seem particularly warm.

    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


    • #3
      Welcome to the Forum...personally with the weather we've had to endure lately I would just get inside, zip the door closed, sit down have a cup of tea and enjoy a bit of warmth for a change.


      • #4
        Thanks for welcome Alison and Phill, pity I cannot spell plastic what chance have I got in growing things. Did open the door and remove covers also sat inside and had cup of tea and sandwich does that make me a multitaskable? [ not sure if this is a proper word ] man.
        Looking forward to an interesting first year as a green house user.


        • #5
          I am also a new owner of a plastic greenhouse and not being very wise, have already lost 3 "baby" tomato plants, owing to the house being too hot . An unusual concept here in Scotland ! However, if I leave the door unzipped I am in danger of losing the whole contraption by it blowing away over the fields. The wind here is more or less constant and at this time of year, a wee bit fierce!. It has more anchors,guy ropes and bricks than you could shake a stick at!!


          • #6
            Welcome Petlor

            Another Bedfordshire Appreciation Society Member lol!!

            Happy growing - it was a lovely afternoon today and i gave my seedlings the chance to breathe as well, as for the sarnie & the tea, what a great idea, loving the multitasking!



            • #7
              for partial ventilation I used to unzip the door on both edges roll the very bottom of the door round a garden cane, put some clothes pegs on to hold it tight and then use tent pegs to hold the bottom of the door and cane in place.. gives gaps at the side and doesn't blow about all over the place.
              My Blog is here.../


              • #8
                Originally posted by squashysu View Post
                Welcome Petlor

                Another Bedfordshire Appreciation Society Member lol!!

                Happy growing - it was a lovely afternoon today and i gave my seedlings the chance to breathe as well, as for the sarnie & the tea, what a great idea, loving the multitasking!

                Having a discussion with wife, we have some pots with small shrubs and others with flowers Is it best to cover the top of the pots with small stones etc to keep moisture in after watering or leave top with just soil.


                • #9
                  Hi ya Petlor

                  well i am no expert, but i have just mulched my flower beds as it does keep in the moisture and doesnt mean watering every eve, especially in the summer, i have done both and left just the soil, but i do like a nice bit of stone in the top, especially some blue slate (depending on the colour of your pots), i found it kept down the weeds down and also is really good for perinnial shrubs.

                  Hope this helps, perhaps someone else may know more than me, it wouldnt be hard.

                  Also lets hope that this is now the glorious weather to come in Bedfordshire< what a lovely day, my plants loved it!



                  • #10
                    buying a new greenhouse

                    I am now into growing all types of veggie and flowers ,and feel i want to buy a new greenhouse . Can anybody suggest a suitable one 8 x 6 not to dear and fairly easy to erect. Lots out there ,but could do with peoples experience of what is good and what is not so good . Have to justify to better half ?


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