Hi Everyone...I'm an avid gardener, just new to this group. We have a huge veggie plot as well as a fruit tree area and another area for other fruits as well as a wildlife planting area, a pond, a fairly large herb garden and lots of general flower beds. I'm also just starting to get interested in alpine gardening. Ok I'm a plantaholic and don't want to find a cure lol
I love trying new things and introducing people to the wonderful effects of gardening. I'm disabled now with a spinal injury, so my gardening is now limited and I've become 'head gardener' with hubby doing the real grunt work lol...I've started growing things in containers (pots, baskets, pouches, etc) and am learning about miniature gardening now as well as getting into bonsai gardening...I'm an avid student when it comes to plants/gardening...and as I'm also a craft lover, I enjoy creating jams, chutnies, etc and I use my pressed, dried flowers and leaves in creating cards, in scrapbook layouts, and any other thing I can incorporate them into
While my garden started out being planned and run to specific specifications, but as my plant addiction grew and as I find new plants, I'm finding that my garden is changing dramatically and always seem to find somewhere to put our new additions...although hubby is losing his precious lawn at an alarming rate lol.
I look forward to meeting everyone and am happy to share plants and seeds if I have what folks ae looking for and if it's allowed within this group. Thanks for allowing me to join and I hope everyone's having fun in their gardens!

I look forward to meeting everyone and am happy to share plants and seeds if I have what folks ae looking for and if it's allowed within this group. Thanks for allowing me to join and I hope everyone's having fun in their gardens!