I've been browsing around this very busy forum today and thought I'd take the plunge and join the chat!
I try (try being the word) to grow veggies on our allotment which we've had for about four years. I'm also, new this year, trying to grow some in containers in our back garden, while planning a new design of said garden. We're also keen to redesign our very boring front garden.
Friday I was also given the green light to start up a gardening club at my children's school so will be looking at the boards to see if there are any nuggets of info/help I can glean. Very nervous about that!
My five children are all, at varying degrees, keen to help me on the allotment as is Hubby who is thankfully handy at building things.
OK, that was very long! Hope to chat with lots of you soon.
Mrs Be
I've been browsing around this very busy forum today and thought I'd take the plunge and join the chat!
I try (try being the word) to grow veggies on our allotment which we've had for about four years. I'm also, new this year, trying to grow some in containers in our back garden, while planning a new design of said garden. We're also keen to redesign our very boring front garden.
Friday I was also given the green light to start up a gardening club at my children's school so will be looking at the boards to see if there are any nuggets of info/help I can glean. Very nervous about that!
My five children are all, at varying degrees, keen to help me on the allotment as is Hubby who is thankfully handy at building things.
OK, that was very long! Hope to chat with lots of you soon.

Mrs Be