Hi Everyone,have enjoyed reading the "vine" & thought i would join.Started growing veg in garden few years ago(small bed about 4ft x 10ft) everything grew well but wasn"t much of it..! This year i have gradually dug over bottom of garden to use as veg growing area(about 30ft x 50ft) the other side of kids trampoline. So far have potatoes,carrots,turnips,beetroot,leeks,onions,swiss chard,peas,broad beans all growing well under tunnel cloches to keep the bl**dy cats from scratching everything up...! Bought one of those mini greenhouses back in February(best �20 i"ve spent in a long while) & it is full of seedlings, sweetcorn,cucumbers,aubergines,calabrese,courgette,squash etc. Today family & i went over to local allotment open day & had a look round, full of friendly people & good looking lotties.Daughter won some seeds on a raffle & entered a pumpkin growing comp. Liked it over there so much i put me name down for a lottie.!! Don"t want to bore you any more so i"ll leave it at that.
Happy Growing,
Simmo 66
Happy Growing,
Simmo 66