I'm new to this group, but fairly experienced in growing plants of different kinds. I've tried most methods of producing plants such as from seeds, cuttings, air layering, hybridized some and produced seeds. Now I'm trying something a little different. We live in the country, and have to compete with the animals and insects. So I am trying to grow veggies and herbs under lights. I started with the Aero Grow hydroponics units, and some things do really well in them. I am also growing a number of things in pots under lights. At this point, I don't know how successful some of it will be, but lettuce grows wonderfully. I have 6 pots of baby greens and mesclun mixes, and they seem to grow new leaves as fast as we can use them. My husband and I both enjoy the fresh salads that I also add basil and spinich leaves grown under lights. I have tomatoes, bell peppers and beans going and am looking forward to seeing if I can get them to fruit.
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Hi Judy, you sound like you've been really busy already. I'm growing (well trying to grow) veggies in raised beds in my tiny garden. So far I've got Globe Artichokes, Potatoes, Jerusalam Artichokes, Climbing French Beans, Tomatoes, Spring Onions, Radish, Lettuce, Runner Beans, Beetroot, Spinach, Sweetcorn, Shallots and Broccoli all coming through plus some herbsHappy growing
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