Just thought, I'd say hello as I am new to the grapevine. I'm growing a whole load of stuff which I sowed earlier in the year and have recently acquired a greenhouse as a gift ( Sooo difficult to assemble!). I'll give you a list of the stuff I'm growing, Sweet Peppers, 10 varieties of Chilli peppers, Spinach, Lettuce, Radish, Kelsae onion (from seed), Spring onion, Strawberries, Oranges, Lychees, Lemon, Red Lime, Peas (Onward), Tomatoes (Big Boy and Red Cherry) and 10 varieties of herb! So as you can imagine I have quite a lot on my hands! I suffer with an illness called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME) and gardening has become a kind of therapy for me.
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