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New for May ..... ME!!


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  • New for May ..... ME!!

    Hello, I am Julie and I love my garden

    I have been interested in gardening for 12 years, and designed the garden in my last house - but this time, in my new house I have a newly created veg/fruit area. I had just got the side of the house looking pretty, flowery shrubs, nicely mown lawn etc when I sat down for a well earned cuppa and had a eureka moment..... I needed a greenhouse and raised planting!! Fast forward to today, I have a nice lean too and a fabby raised bed with pine sleepers.

    I am currently having a go at Onions, Broccoli, Parsnips, Carrotts, Peas, Mange Tout, Lettuce, Strawbs (basket and regular), Spinach, Parsley, Loganberries, Patty Pan pumpkins, celery, asparagus.... lots of stuff since I was only supposed to be dabbling this year

    I have 2 little kids that are just getting to the ages where I can have some more 'me' time and I am wanting to invest a lot of this time in my garden.

    Anyway, I am really looking forward to learning from you guys and sharing my experiences etc.

  • #2
    Oh welcome and enjoy Julie. When the children are small is a good time to relax in the garden. The tension just disappears. Wonderful. I can still remember trotting outside whilst counting to 1million!! I would soon be nice and calm again.


    • #3
      Welcome to the Vine Greenplover. I'm sure you've lots to contribute.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #4
        And a merry welcome from Trousers and myself as well Greenplover.
        Growing Your Own becomes ever more addictive?
        Do you know - Trousers said last week that I've become OBSESSIVE about Growing?
        I don't know WHAT he means!!!
        Enjoy yourself. We're all here when you need us, and I hope you'll be here when we need your advice too?


        • #5
          You're obsessive when you dream about it too Wellie - like I do! welcome to the grapevine Julie. If that's what you are growing when you're dabbling, what will you be like when you really get stuck in?
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • #6
            Welcome to the Vine Greenplover, love your user name (I work for the RSPB!)

            Dwell simply ~ love richly


            • #7
              Wow your garden sounds lovely!


              • #8

                Looks like you're from the same area as me! I've always wanted to try things like Patty Pan Pumpkins but unfortunately I only have a small patio at the moment until I either move house or move up on the allotment waiting list.
                I still manage to grow quite a bit though.
                My organic gardening etc blog -


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